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Create C++ Project with Visual Studio 2017
How to Create a C++ Program Project with Visual Studio 2017? If you are new to Visual Studio 2017, you can follow tutorial to create your first new C++ program project in Visual Studio 2017. 1. Start Visual Studio 2017 with Visual C++ development environment. 2. Click "File &gt; New &gt; Pro...
2023-12-01, 1866🔥, 0💬

Merging Two Arrays into a Single Array in PHP
How To Merge Values of Two Arrays into a Single Array in PHP? You can use the array_merge() function to merge two arrays into a single array. array_merge() appends all pairs of keys and values of the second array to the end of the first array. Here is a PHP script on how to use array_merge(): &l...
2017-01-11, 1866🔥, 0💬

Retrieving Submitted Form Data in PHP
How To Retrieve the Submitted Form Data in PHP? The best way to retrieve the form data submitted by your visitor is to use the $_REQUEST array. The keys in this array will be the field names defined in form. The values in this array will be the values entered by your visitor in the input fields. The...
2016-11-15, 1866🔥, 0💬

Minimum Requirement of EPUB 3.1 File
What Is the minimum requirement of an EPUB 3.1 file? If you want to build an EPUB file that meets the minimum requirements of EPUB 3.1 specification, you need to prepare the following: 1. A text file called "mimetype" with one line listed below. It specifies the mimetype of an EPUB 3.1 book file. ap...
2018-06-27, 1865🔥, 0💬

PHP Built-in Functions for Strings
Where to find tutorials and answers to frequently asked questions for PHP Built-in Functions for Strings? A collection of frequently asked questions on manipulating strings in PHP. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on string functions including strlen, trim, substr, chop, strpos, st...
2016-10-13, 1863🔥, 0💬

Read Block Data in Blockchain
How to Read Block Data from a Blockchain? The block data from a blockchain uses a binary format. You need to use the "configtxgen -inspectBlock" command parse it to JSON format. 1. Get the newest block from the blockchain: $ docker exec -it cli bash root@262918fdcbc0:/opt/gopath/ src/github.com/hyper...
2020-02-20, 1862🔥, 0💬

re.split() - Splits with Regular Expression
How to split a given string with a regular expression as the delimiter using re.split()? The re.split() function allows you to split a given target string using matches of a given regular expression as the delimiter. import re l = re.split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0, flags=0) Where: pattern is the ...
2018-10-13, 1859🔥, 0💬

Replacing a Substring in PHP
How To Replace a Substring in a Given String? If you know the position of a substring in a given string, you can replace that substring by another string by using the substr_replace() function. Here is a PHP script on how to use substr_replace(): &lt;?php $string = "Warning: System will shutdown...
2016-10-13, 1858🔥, 0💬

What Is Visual Studio Command Prompt
What is Visual Studio Command Prompt? Visual Studio Command Prompt is command line window with all required environment variables defined to run Visual Studio command line tools. Visual Studio command line tools includes: cl (the compiler) - To compile and link source code files into apps, libraries...
2017-08-21, 1856🔥, 0💬

3Pigs6-3.0.epub - XHTML pre Element
Does EPUB support XHTML "pre" elements? Yes. EPUB 3.1 does support XHTML "pre" elements. EPUB readers will display "pre" elements with a monospace font. Text lines within "pre" elements will be displayed without wrapping. So if you have long lines in "pre" elements, text will be truncated on the rig...
2018-08-14, 1852🔥, 0💬

Real RSS XML Examples
Where to get a Real RSS XML example? You can follow this tutorial to get a real RSS XML example: 1. Go to FYIcenter.com Developer Website . 2. Scroll to the bottom and click the "RSS" link. You see an RSS XML document displayed as an XML tree or as new feeds depending on the Web browser you are usin...
2018-01-08, 1852🔥, 0💬

Reformatting a Paragraph of Text in PHP
How To Reformat a Paragraph of Text? You can wordwrap() reformat a paragraph of text by wrapping lines with a fixed length. Here is a PHP script on how to use wordwrap(): &lt;?php $string = "TRADING ON MARGIN POSES ADDITIONAL RISKS AND IS NOT SUITABLE FOR ALL INVESTORS. A COMPLETE LIST OF THE RI...
2024-02-27, 1849🔥, 5💬

Using Atom Tools
Where to find tutorials on Using Atom Tools? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Using Atom Tools: Atom Online Validators Atom Online Validator at w3.org Atom Validation Errors at w3.org View Atom Feeds with IE (Internet Explorer) G...
2018-01-06, 1842🔥, 0💬

Putting Directory Entries into an Array in PHP
How To Dump the Contents of a Directory into an Array in PHP? If you want to get the contents of a directory into an array, you can use the scandir() function. It gets a list of all the files and sub directories of the specified directory and returns the list as an array. The returning list also inc...
2016-11-20, 1841🔥, 0💬

Passing Arrays to Function in PHP
Can You Pass an Array into a Function? in PHP? You can pass an array into a function in the same as a normal variable. No special syntax needed. Here is a PHP script on how to pass an array to a function: &lt;?php function average($array) { $sum = array_sum($array); $count = count($array); retur...
2023-04-06, 1840🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-04-06 Durga: Good

Finding a Substring in PHP
How to Find a Substring from a Given String? To find a substring in a given string, you can use the strpos() function. If you call strpos($haystack, $needle), it will try to find the position of the first occurrence of the $needle string in the $haystack string. If found, it will return a non-negati...
2016-10-13, 1838🔥, 0💬

Minimum Requirement of EPUB 2.0.1 File
What Is the minimum requirement of an EPUB 2.0.1 file? If you want to build an EPUB file that meets the minimum requirements of EPUB 2.0.1 specification, you need to prepare the following: 1. A text file called "mimetype" with one line listed below. It specifies the mimetype of an EPUB 2.0.1 book fi...
2023-05-09, 1836🔥, 0💬

Atom Specification - RFC 4287
Where to find tutorials on Using RSS XML Schema? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Using RSS XML Schema: Atom Document Structure Atom Feed Files Are XML Documents Atom Element Types: "feed" and "entry" Atom "feed" Element Atom "fe...
2017-09-28, 1834🔥, 0💬

Sorting an Array by Keys in PHP
How To Sort an Array by Keys in PHP? Sorting an array by keys can be done by using the ksort() function. It will re-order all pairs of keys and values based on the alphanumeric order of the keys. Here is a PHP script on how to use ksort(): &lt;?php $mixed = array(); $mixed["Zero"] = "PHP"; $mixe...
2017-01-21, 1833🔥, 0💬

What Is Python Module 'requests'
What Is Python module "requests"? "requests" is a Python external module that allows you to send organic, grass-fed HTTP/1.1 requests, without the need for manual labor. There’s no need to manually add query strings to your URLs, or to form-encode your POST data. Main features of "requests" module: ...
2018-09-01, 1832🔥, 0💬

Finding a Given Value in an Array in PHP
How To Find a Specific Value in an Array in PHP? There are two functions can be used to test if a value is defined in an array or not: array_search($value, $array) - Returns the first key of the matching value in the array, if found. Otherwise, it returns false. in_array($value, $array) - Returns tr...
2017-01-21, 1832🔥, 0💬

'requests' Module - HTTP for Humans
Where to find tutorials on Python "requests" Module? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Python "requests" Module. What Is Python Module 'requests' Installing 'requests' Module Sending an HTTP Request with 'requests' requests.models...
2018-09-01, 1828🔥, 0💬

EpubCheck 4.0.2 --out Option
What is EpubCheck 4.0.2 "--out" Option? EpubCheck 4.0.2 "--out" option allows you to generate an XML output file containing all properties of the EPUB book. You can try it on Hello-3.0.epub: C:\fyicenter&gt; java -jar epubcheck-4.0.2\epubcheck.jar --out Hello.xml Hello-3.0.epub No errors or warn...
2018-06-01, 1827🔥, 0💬

Understanding and Managing Cookies in PHP
Where to find tutorials on how to manage Cookies in PHP? A collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions how to manage Cookies in PHP. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on setting and receiving cookies, creating and removing persistent cookies, specifying dom...
2016-11-05, 1823🔥, 0💬

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