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Randomly Retrieving Array Values in PHP
How To Randomly Retrieve a Value from an Array in PHP? If you have a list of favorite greeting messages, and want to randomly select one of them to be used in an email, you can use the array_rand() function. Here is a PHP example script: &lt;?php $array = array("Hello!", "Hi!", "Allo!", "Hallo!"...
2017-01-11, 1922🔥, 0💬

Writing a String to a File without a File Handle in PHP
How To Write a String to a File without a File Handle in PHP? If you have a string, want to write it to a file, and you don't want to open the file with a file handle, you can use the file_put_contents(). It opens the specified file, writes the specified string, closes the file, and returns the numb...
2016-11-27, 1922🔥, 0💬

Azure API Policy XML Document Structure
What is the XML Document Structure of an Azure API service operation? Azure API Policy XML Document contains 4 policy blocks: "inbound" - Policy sub element to provide policy statements that controls the generation of the inbound HTTP request to be delivered to the backend service. "backend" - Polic...
2018-03-10, 1919🔥, 0💬

3Pigs1-3.1.epub - Single XHTML File
Can I use XHTML technology only to build an EPUB 3.1 book? I want to build EPUB book with "The Three Little Pigs" story. Yes, you can use XHTML technology only to build an EPUB 3.1 book. For example, you can download this EPUB book, 3Pigs1-3.1.epub , which has the entire "The Three Little Pigs" stor...
2019-01-12, 1917🔥, 0💬

sys.argv - Command Line Argument List
How to retrieve command line arguments with sys.argv list? If execute a Python script file with the "python" command, you can use the sys.argv list to retrieve command line arguments. Note that the first argument, sys.argv[0], represents the Python script file name. Here is a Python script file exam...
2018-11-11, 1909🔥, 0💬

enrollAdmin.js - Enroll Admin to ca.example.com
What is the admin enrollment Node.js program enrollAdmin.js? Admin enrollment Node.js program enrollAdmin.js enrolls an user "admin" to ca.example.com. 1. View the enrollAdmin.js source code: $ cp ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples/fabcar/javascript$ more enrollAdmin.js /* * SPDX-License-Identif...
2020-01-04, 1906🔥, 0💬

WPF App with VC# Code in Visual Studio 2017
How to build a WPF application with VC# code to control its behavior in Visual Studio 2017? After you have created your WPF application with XAML to define its UI elements, you can follow this tutorial to add VB code to control its behavior in Visual Studio 2017: 1. Create a "WPF App (.NET Framework...
2017-08-08, 1906🔥, 0💬

EPUB 2.0 Metadata - dc:title Element
What is EPUB 2.0 Metadata "dc:title" Element? EPUB 2.0 Metadata "dc:title" specify a title for the EPUB 2.0 book. For each EPUB 2.0 book, you must specify at least one "dc:title" metadata element as shown below: &lt;dc:title&gt;Row, Row, Row Your Boat&lt;/dc:title&gt; If you want to ...
2022-04-13, 1905🔥, 0💬

Atom "feed/entry" Element
What is the Atom "feed/entry" element? The Atom "feed/entry" element presents a single Atom feed entry. The Atom "feed/entry" element contains the following information: id - REQUIRED. Specifies an identification that uniquely identifies this Atom feed entry. For example: &lt;id&gt;http://de...
2018-01-06, 1897🔥, 0💬

3Pigs7-3.1.epub - Apply CSS File
How to add CSS file to my EPUB book? You can follow this tutorial to add a CSS file to your EPUB 3.1 book. 1. Create a CSS file, Styles.css, to control display styles of all XHTML pages: body {font-family: "Arial";} pre {padding: 0px 25px 0px 25px; font-family: "Arial"; font-style: italic; font-size...
2018-12-26, 1896🔥, 0💬

Cookie Management on Firefox in PHP
How Does Firefox Manage Cookies in PHP? Firefox browser allows you to delete old cookies, and gives you options to keep persistent cookies in cookie files until they reach their expiration time. The following tutorial shows you how to manage cookies in Firefox: Run Firefox Go to Tools/Options Click ...
2016-10-30, 1894🔥, 0💬

HTML Tags in Atom "feed/entry/summary"
How to enter HTML Tags in Atom "feed/entry/summary"? In most cases, the "feed/entry/summary" XML element should contain a text string describing the Atom feed entry without HTML tags. But sometimes, you would like to include HTML tags in the "feed/entry/summary" XML element, to provide images and hy...
2018-01-06, 1892🔥, 0💬

Sorting an Array by Values in PHP
How To Sort an Array by Values in PHP? Sorting an array by values is doable by using the sort() function. It will re-order all pairs of keys and values based on the alphanumeric order of the values. Then it will replace all keys with integer keys sequentially starting with 0. So using sort() on arra...
2017-01-21, 1891🔥, 0💬

Introduction of EPUB 3.1 Specification
Where to find tutorials on introduction of EPUB 3.1 Specification? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on introduction of EPUB 3.1 Specification. What Is EPUB 3.1 Specification Minimum Requirement of EPUB 3.1 File Hello-3.1.epub - "mim...
2018-06-27, 1888🔥, 0💬

Download RSS Specification
How to download RSS 2.0 Specification? You can follow this tutorial to download RSS 2.0 specification: 1. Go to RSS Specification page . 2. Use the browser "Save As" function to save a copy to your computer.   ⇒ RSS specifications ⇐ MIME Type Definition for RSS Files ⇑ Introduction of RSS ⇑⇑ RSS F...
2018-01-08, 1888🔥, 0💬

Hello-2.0.epub - Navigation File: navigation.xml
How to create a navigation file like navigation.xml for an EPUB 2.0.1 book? At least one navigation file, like navigation.xml, is required for an EPUB 2.0.1 book in the book ZIP container. It provides navigation information like a table of contents of the book. Here is the requirement on a navigatio...
2021-04-15, 1886🔥, 0💬

Understanding PHP String Literals and Operations
Where to find tutorials for PHP String Literals and Operations? A collection of tutorials on PHP string literals, operations and conversion. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on single-quoted strings, double-quoted strings, string elements, concatenation, converting values to st...
2016-10-13, 1884🔥, 0💬

3Pigs1-3.0.epub - Single XHTML File
Can I use XHTML technology only to build an EPUB 3.0 book? I want to build EPUB book with "The Three Little Pigs" story. Yes, you can use XHTML technology only to build an EPUB 3.0 book. For example, you can download this EPUB book, 3Pigs1-3.0.epub , which has the entire "The Three Little Pigs" stor...
2018-11-11, 1882🔥, 0💬

Using MySQL Command Line Interface in PHP
How To Use MySQL Command Line Interface in PHP? MySQL server comes with a command line interface, which will allow you to operate with the server with SQL statements and other commands. To start the command line interface, you can run the \mysql\bin\mysql program. The tutorial exercise below shows y...
2016-10-22, 1881🔥, 0💬

Using JSON in JavaScript
Where to find tutorials on Using JSON in JavaScript? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Using JSON in JavaScript. What Is JavaScript JSON Object JSON.parse() Function in JavaScript JSON-parse.html - JSON.parse() Example Code JSON-p...
2023-04-13, 1875🔥, 0💬

What Is Python
What Is Python? Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Main features of Python: Python is a multi-paradigm programming language: object-oriented programming and structured programming are fully ...
2018-02-01, 1875🔥, 0💬

EPUB 3.1 With XHTML Technologies
Where to find tutorials on Building EPUB 3.1 With XHTML Technologies? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Building EPUB 3.1 With XHTML Technologies. 3Pigs1-3.1.epub - Single XHTML File 3Pigs2-3.1.epub - Multiple XHTML Files 3Pigs3-3...
2019-01-12, 1874🔥, 0💬

Creating a Web Form in PHP
How To Create a Web Form in PHP? If you take input data from visitors on your Web site, you can create a Web form with input fields to allow visitors to fill in data and submit the data to your server for processing. A Web form can be created with the &lt;FORM&gt; tag with some input tags. T...
2016-11-17, 1869🔥, 0💬

register-user.js - Register New User
How to write a Node.js script to Register New Users to ca.example.com? If you are an administrator on ca.example.com, you can register other new users to ca.example.com. Here is sample Node.js script, register-user.js, that uses your "admin" identity from the local wallet to register a new user to o...
2019-04-22, 1867🔥, 0💬

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