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Validating HTML5 Documents Online
How To Validate HTML5 Documents Online? If you have just finished a new HTML5 document, and you want to make sure that confirms with the HTML5 specification, you can use the HTML online validator at http://validator.w3.org/ . There are 3 ways you can use this validator: By URL - Specify the URL wher...
2024-03-17, 1983🔥, 0💬

'while ... else' Repeating Statement Blocks
How to enter "while ... else" statement blocks in Python code? "while ... else" statement blocks allow you to execute the main statement block repeatedly. When "while ... else" statement blocks are interpreted, the "while" statement block will be executed repeatedly until the given condition returns...
2018-02-28, 1983🔥, 0💬

'while ... else' Repeating Statement Blocks
How to enter "while ... else" statement blocks in Python code? "while ... else" statement blocks allow you to execute the main statement block repeatedly. When "while ... else" statement blocks are interpreted, the "while" statement block will be executed repeatedly until the given condition returns...
2018-02-28, 1983🔥, 0💬

Specifying Argument Default Values in PHP
How To Specify Argument Default Values? in PHP? If you want to allow the caller to skip an argument when calling a function, you can define the argument with a default value when defining the function. Adding a default value to an argument can be done like this "function name($arg=expression){}. Her...
2016-12-04, 1977🔥, 0💬

What Is Simple EPUB Reader
What Is Simple EPUB Reader? Simple EPUB Reader is a Chrome App which lets you read EPUB-files. You can follow this tutorial to download and install Simple EPUB Reader on Windows systems. 1. Run Chrome Web browser and go to Simple EPUB Reader in Google Chrome Webstore . 2. Click "ADD TO CHROME". You ...
2019-01-01, 1975🔥, 0💬

Domain and Path Attributes for Cookies in PHP
What Are Domain and Path Attributes for Cookies in PHP? Cookies can also be defined with two other attributes: Domain - A cookie attribute that defines the domain name of Web servers where this cookie is valid. Web browsers holding this cookie should not sent it back to any Web server outside the sp...
2016-11-03, 1974🔥, 0💬

Inserting Rows Based on SELECT Statement in PHP
How To Insert Rows Based on SELECT Statements in PHP? If want to insert rows into a table based on data rows from other tables, you can use a sub-query inside the INSERT statement as shown in the following script example: &lt;?php include "mysql_connection.php"; $sql = "INSERT INTO fyi_links" . ...
2016-10-20, 1969🔥, 0💬

Returning a Reference from a Function in PHP
How To Return a Reference from a Function? in PHP? To return a reference from a function, you need to: Add the reference operator "&amp;" when defining the function. Add the reference operator "&amp;" when invoking the function. Here is a PHP script on how to return a reference from a functi...
2016-12-08, 1967🔥, 0💬

EpubCheck 4.0.2 --usage Option
What is EpubCheck 4.0.2 "--usage" Option? EpubCheck 4.0.2 "--usage" option provides you suggested usages of additional EPUB features. You can try it on Hello-3.0.epub: C:\fyicenter&gt; java -jar epubcheck-4.0.2\epubcheck.jar --usage Hello-3.0.epub Validating using EPUB version 3.0.1 rules. USAGE...
2018-06-01, 1966🔥, 0💬

Creating HTML Table Borders
How To Create Table Borders? There are two sets of borders within a table: Outer Borders - Borders that around the outer edges of the table. Inner Borders - Borders between table cells. If you want to create table outer borders and inner borders, you can use the "border" attribute, which offers two ...
2017-05-13, 1957🔥, 0💬

JSON Format Syntax
What is the JSON format syntax? I heard that it is very simple. JSON format syntax is very simple. It can be summarized below: 1. A JSON text string contains a single JSON Value. 2. A single JSON Value must be one of the following: JSON String - A quoted sequence of Unicode characters represented as...
2023-04-13, 1955🔥, 0💬

Joining Multiple Strings in PHP
How To Join Multiple Strings into a Single String? If you multiple strings stored in an array, you can join them together into a single string with a given delimiter by using the implode() function. Here is a PHP script on how to use implode(): &lt;?php $date = array('01', '01', '2006'); $keys =...
2016-10-13, 1955🔥, 0💬

VC# Command Line Compiler in Visual Studio 2017
How to use the VC# command line compiler provided by Visual Studio 2017? If you want to use the compile your VC# code from the command line, you can follow this tutorial to use the VC# command line compiler provided in Visual Studio 2017: 1. Create a simple VC# console application program, Hello.vb:...
2017-08-08, 1947🔥, 0💬

3Pigs7-3.0.epub - Apply CSS File
How to add CSS file to my EPUB book? You can follow this tutorial to add a CSS file to your EPUB 3.1 book. 1. Create a CSS file, Styles.css, to control display styles of all XHTML pages: body {font-family: "Arial";} pre {padding: 0px 25px 0px 25px; font-family: "Arial"; font-style: italic; font-size...
2018-08-14, 1946🔥, 0💬

Hello-2.0.epub - Content File: content.xhtml
How to create a content file like content.xhtml for an EPUB 2.0.1 book? At least one content file, like content.xhtml, is required for an EPUB 2.0.1 book in the book ZIP container. It provides the content of the book. Here is the requirement on a content file: 1. A content file must be named with .x...
2021-04-04, 1944🔥, 0💬

Processing Web Forms in PHP
Where to find tutorials on how to process Web Forms in PHP? A collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions on how to process Web Forms in PHP. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on generating and processing Web forms, getting values out of $_REQUEST, processi...
2016-11-17, 1939🔥, 0💬

BYFN Error - "unable to bootstrap orderer"
Why am I getting the "panic: unable to bootstrap orderer. Error reading genesis block file: read /var/hyperledger/orderer/order er.genesis.block:is a directory" error? When you build and deploy your BYFN network manually, you may end up missing the genesis.block file. Try to run the "docker-compose ...
2020-10-10, 1938🔥, 0💬

3Pigs5-3.1.epub - Title Page and TOC
How to add a title page and a table of content page to my EPUB book? If you want to add a title page and a table of content page to your EPUB 3.1 book, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Create a title page in an XHTML file like Title-Page.xhtml: &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt; &a...
2018-12-26, 1932🔥, 0💬

Cookies Encoded during Transportation in PHP
How Are Cookies Encoded During Transportation in PHP? When cookies are transported from servers to browsers and from browsers back to servers, Cookies values are always encoded using the URL encoding standard to ensure that they are transported accurately. But you don't need to worry about the encod...
2016-10-29, 1931🔥, 0💬

"MathLibrary.cpp" - Build DLL Library
How to build a C++ DLL library with Visual Studio command tools? The next step to create a DLL library is to create library source code and build the library .dll file as shown in this tutorial: 1. Create the C++ source file, MathLibrary.cpp, with a text editor: // MathLibrary.cpp : Defines the expo...
2023-05-31, 1929🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-11-22 Octan: Beauty in simplicity.

Register Azure AD B2C as a Google Application
How to register Azure AD B2C as Google client application? I want Google users to be able to login to my Azure AD B2C applications. If want Google users to be able to login to your Azure AD B2C applications, you need to register Azure AD B2C as Google client application: 1. Sign in to the Google Dev...
2019-03-08, 1928🔥, 0💬

EPUB 3.0 With XHTML Technologies
Where to find tutorials on Building EPUB 3.0 With XHTML Technologies? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Building EPUB 3.0 With XHTML Technologies. 3Pigs1-3.0.epub - Single XHTML File 3Pigs2-3.0.epub - Multiple XHTML Files 3Pigs3-3...
2018-11-11, 1928🔥, 0💬

Counting the Number of Values in an Array in PHP
How To Get the Total Number of Values in an Array in PHP? You can get the total number of values in an array by using the count() function. Here is a PHP example script: &lt;?php $array = array("PHP", "Perl", "Java"); print_r("Size 1: ".count($array)."\n"); $array = array(); print_r("Size 2: ".c...
2017-01-29, 1927🔥, 0💬

"composer network start" Errors
Why am I getting errors when running the "composer network start" command? There are couple of reasons why you are getting errors when running the "composer network start" command to start business network. Error Example 1 - The business network NBA file was not deployed correctly, or has been remov...
2020-12-26, 1924🔥, 0💬

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