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'rowspan' - Merging Cells HTML Table Columns
How To Merge Cells in a Column? If you want to merge multiple cells vertically in a row, you need to use the "rowspan" attribute of in a "td" element. "rowspan" allows you to specify how many cells you want to merge into this cell vertically. Below is a tutorial example of merging cells vertically: ...
2023-12-25, 24798🔥, 3💬

💬 2023-12-25 dyx: very good. I have been looking for this example for a long time, thank you very much

💬 2022-12-13 asddsad: dssfds

Can Two HTML Forms Be Nested
Can Two Forms Be Nested? Can two forms be nested? The answer is no and yes: No. You can not nest two forms directly. XHTML schema does not allow that. Yes. You can nest two forms indirectly. See the tutorial example below. No. Two nested form do not work as two forms. Browsers will treat them as one...
2023-01-24, 7821🔥, 2💬

Multiple Paragraphs in an HTML List Item
Can Multiple Paragraphs Be Included in a List Item? Yes. You can include multiple paragraphs in a single list item, because "li" is a flow type element, which can have block elements and inline elements. The tutorial example below shows you how a list item can have two paragraphs: <?xml versi...
2017-05-29, 7591🔥, 0💬

Missing Cells in HTML Table Row
What Happens If One Row Has Missing Columns? What happens if one row has missing columns? Most browsers will provide empty columns to the end of the row to make up the missing columns. For example, if your XHTML document has a table with the first row having 2 columns, and the second row having 3 co...
2017-05-05, 3840🔥, 0💬

HTML Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on HTML language? I want to know how to learn HTML. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about HTML language: Introduction of HTML What Is HTML? HTML Versions and Variations HTML Document Example XHTM...
2023-12-25, 3495🔥, 1💬

Changing Fonts a Paragraph with HTML 'span'
How To Change Text Fonts for Some Parts of a Paragraph? If you want to change text fonts or colors for some parts of a paragraph, you can use "span" element with "style" attributes to specify font and color information as CSS properties. Here is a tutorial example of using "span" elements to change ...
2017-03-07, 3315🔥, 0💬

What Is HTML?
What Is HTML? HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. Web browsers receive HTML documents from Websites and render them into Web pages. More precisely, HTML gives authors the means to: Publish Web pages with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc....
2017-02-20, 3156🔥, 0💬

'valign' - Vertical Alignment in HTML Table
How To Control Vertical Alignment? By default, text in all table cells are aligned to the top vertically. If you want to control vertical alignment yourself, you need to use the "valign" attribute in a "tr" element or a "td" element: <tr valign="top|middle|bottom"& ;gt;- Set vertical align...
2017-05-05, 3063🔥, 0💬

'th' - Adding HTML Table Headers
How To Add Column Headers to a Table? If you want to add column headers to a table, you need to use "th" elements instead of "td" elements in the first row of the table. "th" elements are displayed in bold and centered by default. Below is a tutorial example of adding column headers to a table: &...
2017-05-05, 2897🔥, 0💬

Server-Side Image Maps in HTML
What Is a Server-Side Image Map? A server-side image map is an image inside a hyper link. The image must be defined with the "ismap" attribute in the "img" element. When a server-side image map is clicked in a browser window, the mouse coordinates will be delivered to the server by them to the end o...
2017-03-22, 2837🔥, 0💬

'cellpadding' - Padding Spaces in HTML Table Cell
How To Control Padding Spaces within a Table Cell? Cell padding spaces are spaces between cell inner borders and cell content. By default, browsers give cell padding spaces of 1 pixel. If you want to control cell padding spaces within a table cell, you need to use the "cellpadding" attribute, which ...
2017-05-13, 2681🔥, 0💬

'align' - Horizontal Alignment HTML Tables
How To Control Horizontal Alignment in Table Cells? By default, text in all table cells are aligned to the left horizontally. If you want to control horizontal alignment yourself, you need to use the "align" attribute in a "tr" element or a "td" element: <tr align="left|center|right"& gt;...
2017-05-05, 2480🔥, 0💬

HTML http-equiv 'meta' Tag/Element
What Is an HTML http-equiv "meta" Tag/Element? a http-equiv "meta" element is a special "meta" element that provides information equivalent to HTTP headers. A http-equiv "meta" element must include the "http-equiv" attribute as, http-equiv="Content-Type". Here is some good examples: <meta htt...
2017-06-23, 2238🔥, 0💬

HTML 'em' Tag/Element
What Is an HTML "em" Tag/Element? An "em" element is an inline element that you can use to specify text with a normal emphasis. Here are basic rules about "em" elements: "em" elements are inline elements. "em" elements can not be used at block level. Contents of "em" elements will be displayed in it...
2017-04-28, 2230🔥, 0💬

Relation between HTML and HTTP
What Is the relation between HTML and HTTP? HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is an Internet communication protocol, that allows a viewer's computer talking to a publisher's computer to fetch HTML documents and other resources. The viewer's computer issues a HTTP request message to the publisher co...
2024-02-09, 2225🔥, 2💬

Default File Name of a URL
What Happens If File Name is Missing in a URL? If the file name part is missing in a URL, the one of the following two rules will be used. 1. If a URL has no file name, but a path name is given, the browser will let the hosting computer to supply the default file name. On most hosting computers, the...
2017-07-07, 2165🔥, 0💬

HTML Definition List 'dl' Tag/Element
What Is a "dl" Tag/Element? A "dl" element is block level element that can be used to define a definition list, where items are displayed with leading terms. Here are basic rules about "dl" elements: "dl" elements are block level elements. "dl" elements can not have text contents. An "dl" element mu...
2017-05-29, 2135🔥, 0💬

Defining a HTML Bookmark
How To Define a Bookmark? A bookmark is a named reference point in an HTML document. If a bookmark can be included in the URL that represents this document, the browser will automatically move the display window to the reference point as soon as the document is open. If you want to define a bookmark...
2017-07-15, 2077🔥, 0💬

'colspan' - Merging Cells HTML Table Rows
How To Merge Cells in a Row? If you want to merge multiple cells horizontally in a row, you need to use the "colspan" attribute of in a "td" element. "colspan" allows you to specify how many cells you want to merge into this cell horizontally. Below is a tutorial example of merging cells horizontall...
2022-01-18, 1984🔥, 2💬

💬 2022-01-10 amar: fdgfgfffff

Validating HTML5 Documents Online
How To Validate HTML5 Documents Online? If you have just finished a new HTML5 document, and you want to make sure that confirms with the HTML5 specification, you can use the HTML online validator at http://validator.w3.org/ . There are 3 ways you can use this validator: By URL - Specify the URL wher...
2024-03-17, 1983🔥, 0💬

Creating HTML Table Borders
How To Create Table Borders? There are two sets of borders within a table: Outer Borders - Borders that around the outer edges of the table. Inner Borders - Borders between table cells. If you want to create table outer borders and inner borders, you can use the "border" attribute, which offers two ...
2017-05-13, 1956🔥, 0💬

XHTML 'meta' Elements Not Closed
What Happens If an XHTML "meta" Element Is Not Closed? Meta tags, link tags and base tags must be closed in XHTML documents. If you forget to close them like the HTML format, you will get validation errors. Try the following tutorial sample XHTML document on http://validator.w3.org/ to see what type...
2017-06-28, 1819🔥, 0💬

Creating Nested HTML Tables
How To Create Nested Tables? You can create nested tables by including a child table inside a cell of the parent table. Below is a tutorial example of nested tables: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/D TD/...
2017-04-22, 1791🔥, 0💬

HTML Tables and Table Cells
Where to find tutorials of introduction to HTML Tables and Table Cells? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team in introduction to HTML Tables and Table Cells. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on table elements like: tabl...
2017-05-20, 1752🔥, 0💬

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