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Create Identity Wallet for Balaji
How to Create Identity Wallet for Balaji at DigiBank? Like Isabella at MagnetoCorp, Balaji at DigiBank needs prepare his system with a wallet to store his identity. He also needs to install Node.js dependencies to run applications written with Hyperledger Fabric Node.js SDK. 1. Install Node.js depen...
2019-11-08, 1140🔥, 0💬

buy.js - Application to Buy Paper
What is the Application to Buy Paper, buy.js? buy.js is a client application using the Hyperledger Fabric Node.js SDK library to invoke the buy() function of the papercontract running on the PaperNet. 1. View buy.js source code: (balaji)$ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples(balaji)$ cd commerc...
2019-11-08, 1047🔥, 0💬

redeem.js - Application to Redeem Paper
What is the Application to Redeem Pape, redeem.js? redeem.js is a client application using the Hyperledger Fabric Node.js SDK library to invoke the redeem() function of the papercontract running on the PaperNet. 1. View redeem.js source code: (balaji)$ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples(balaj...
2019-11-08, 978🔥, 0💬

Fabric CA Integration with Fabric Peers
How Fabric CA (Certificate Authority) Server is integrated with Hyperledger Fabric peers? The diagram below illustrates how the Hyperledger Fabric CA server fits into the overall Hyperledger Fabric architecture. As you can see: You can run a single Fabric CA server to serve one organization. You can...
2019-10-27, 1369🔥, 0💬

Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)
Where to find tutorials on Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Fabric CA (Certificate Authority). What Is Fabric CA (Certificate Authority) Fabric CA Integration with Fabric Peers Fabric Network wi...
2019-10-27, 1223🔥, 0💬

Organization with CA Server
Should I run Fabric CA server in my organization on a multi-organization network? Yes, you should run Fabric CA server in your organization on a multi-organization network. It is your responsibility to manage membership of who can access ledger peers in your organization. Now we have a Hyperledger F...
2019-10-27, 1170🔥, 0💬

Organization with CLI Admin Tool
Should I run CLI Admin Tool in my organization on a multi-organization network? Yes, you should run CLI Admin Tool in your organization on a multi-organization network. It provides a nice tool for your administrator to manage ledger peers in your organization. Now we have a Hyperledger Fabric Networ...
2019-10-27, 1088🔥, 0💬

Install Fabric CA Server and Client
How to install Fabric CA Server and Client binaries? You can follow this tutorial to install Fabric CA Server and Client binaries. 1. Install both the fabric-ca-server and fabric-ca-client binaries in $GOPATH/bin. $ go get -u github.com/hyperledger/fabric- ca/cmd/...$ cd $GOPATH $ ls -l ./bin -rwxrw...
2019-10-18, 1647🔥, 0💬

Fabric CA User’s Guide
Where is the Fabric CA User’s Guide? The Fabric CA User’s Guide is provided at: hyperledger-fabric-ca.readthed ocs.io/en/release-1.4/users-gu ide.html. The Fabric CA User’s Guide provides information on the following topics: Overview Getting Started Prerequisites Install Explore the Fabric CA CLI Co...
2019-10-18, 1534🔥, 0💬

Start Fabric CA Server Natively
How to Start Fabric CA Server Natively? You can follow this tutorial to Start Fabric CA Server Natively. 1. Shutdown existing Fabric CA Server or any process (or docker container) that is using port 7054. $ docker ps | grep fabric-ca hyperledger/fabric-ca:amd64-1. 4.0Up 9 days;7...
2019-10-18, 1057🔥, 0💬

Requirements for Fabric CA Server and Client
What are the requirements to install and run Fabric CA Server and Client? Fabric CA Server and Client are written in Golang, so you need to stall Go environment and required libraries: Go 1.10+ installation GOPATH environment variable is set correctly libtool and libtdhl-dev packages are installed 1...
2019-10-18, 1042🔥, 0💬

Fabric Network without CA Server
Can I run a Hyperledger Fabric Network without Fabric CA Server? Yes, you can run a Hyperledger Fabric Network without Fabric CA Server. In that case, you have to manage PKI certificate services manually For example, you need to do the following manually to add a new user to access your ledger peer:...
2019-10-18, 1040🔥, 0💬

"fabric-ca-client enroll" Error - "Failed to insert"
Why am I getting the "Certificate signing failure: Failed to insert record into database: attempt to write a readonly database" error, when running the "fabric-ca-client enroll" command? If the Fabric CA Server is not able to update its database, you will get the "Certificate signing failure: Failed...
2019-09-27, 2484🔥, 0💬

"fabric-ca-client identity list" - List Identities
How to List Identities with the "fabric-ca-client identity list" command? If you want get a list of identities from the Fabric CA Server, you can run the "fabric-ca-client identity list" command: $ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric -ca/native-client/admin$ ~/go/bin/fabric-ca-client identity list...
2019-09-27, 2275🔥, 0💬

Fabric CA Client Wallet
Where is the Fabric CA Client Wallet that stores identities and certificates used to access the Fabric CA Server? The Fabric CA Client Wallet is stored in the "msp" sub-directory in the $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME directory or the default location of $HOME/.fabric-ca-client. The Fabric CA Client Wallet h...
2019-09-27, 1020🔥, 0💬

Enroll Fabric CA Client Admin Identity
How to Enroll Fabric CA Client Admin Identity? In order to use Fabric CA Client tool, you must enroll the server admin identity first. 1. Make sure Fabric CA Server is running at port 7054. 2. Set up FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME environment variable to avoid using the default of $HOME/.fabric-ca-client $ m...
2019-09-27, 955🔥, 0💬

"fabric-ca-client certificate list" - List Certificates
How to List Certificates with the "fabric-ca-client certificate list" command? If you want get a list of certificates from the Fabric CA Server, you can run the "fabric-ca-client certificate list" command: $ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric -ca/native-client/admin$ ~/go/bin/fabric-ca-client cer...
2019-09-27, 944🔥, 0💬

"fabric-ca-client register" - Register Second Admin
How to register a second admin with the "fabric-ca-client register" command? You can follow this tutorial to register a second admin with the "fabric-ca-client register" command. 1. Make sure the Fabric CA Server is running. 2. Go to the Fabric CA Client system where you have the "admin" wallet crea...
2019-09-16, 1213🔥, 0💬

Register Identity of "user" Type
How to register a new identity of "user" type? You can follow this tutorial to register a new identity of "user" type. 1. Go to the Fabric CA Client system where you have the "admin" wallet created in the previous tutorial. $ cd ~/fabric-ca/native-client/admi n$ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric ...
2019-09-16, 1157🔥, 0💬

Second Admin Enroll to Create Wallet
How can the second admin create his/her own certificate and save it in a wallet? You need to pass the identity name and password of "admin2" and "WSATRHlgxxnk" to the second admin to create his/her own certificate and save it in a wallet. 1. Pass identity "admin2" and "WSATRHlgxxnk" to Amy. 2. Amy i...
2019-09-16, 1146🔥, 0💬

Add Identity using JSON String
How to add a new identity using a JSON string? You can follow this tutorial to add a new identity using a JSON string. 1. Go to the Fabric CA Client system where you have the "admin" wallet created in the previous tutorial. $ cd ~/fabric-ca/native-client/admi n$ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric ...
2019-09-16, 1123🔥, 0💬

Requirements for Registering New Identities
What are requirements for Registering New Identities? With the Fabric CA Client tool, you can register new identities on the Fabric CA Server, if you meet the following requirements: 1. You, as the registrar, must have an identity in your wallet that has the "hf.Registrar.Roles" attribute with a val...
2019-09-16, 1069🔥, 0💬

"docker container rm ..." - Remove All Containers
How to remove all containers from the Docker Engine with "docker container rm ..." command? If you have created many containers on the Docker Engine and you want to remove them all, you can use the "docker container rm ..." command with a sub-command to specify the list of all container IDs. 1. Run ...
2019-09-12, 1050🔥, 0💬

orderer.yaml - Orderer Peer Configuration File
What is the Orderer Peer Configuration File, orderer.yaml? The Orderer Peer Configuration File, orderer.yaml, provides settings to control the behavior of the Orderer peer. You can take a copy of the orderer.yaml provided in Fabric binary and sample package: $ cd fabric-orderer $ cp ~/hyperledger-bi...
2019-09-04, 1147🔥, 0💬

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