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orderer.yaml - Orderer Peer Configuration File
What is the Orderer Peer Configuration File, orderer.yaml?
The Orderer Peer Configuration File, orderer.yaml, provides settings to control the behavior of the Orderer peer.
You can take a copy of the orderer.yaml provided in Fabric binary and sample package:
$ cd fabric-orderer $ cp ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric-samples/config/orderer.yaml . $ more orderer.yaml # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. # Orderer Configuration --- General: LedgerType: file ListenAddress: ListenPort: 7050 TLS: Enabled: false Keepalive: ServerMinInterval: 60s ServerInterval: 7200s ServerTimeout: 20s Cluster: GenesisMethod: provisional GenesisProfile: SampleInsecureSolo GenesisFile: genesisblock LocalMSPDir: msp LocalMSPID: SampleOrg Profile: Enabled: false Address: BCCSP: Default: SW SW: Hash: SHA2 Security: 256 FileKeyStore: KeyStore: Authentication: TimeWindow: 15m FileLedger: Location: /var/hyperledger/production/orderer Prefix: hyperledger-fabric-ordererledger Kafka: Retry: ShortInterval: 5s ShortTotal: 10m LongInterval: 5m LongTotal: 12h NetworkTimeouts: DialTimeout: 10s ReadTimeout: 10s WriteTimeout: 10s Metadata: RetryBackoff: 250ms RetryMax: 3 Producer: RetryBackoff: 100ms RetryMax: 3 Consumer: RetryBackoff: 2s Topic: ReplicationFactor: 3 Verbose: false TLS: Enabled: false SASLPlain: Enabled: false Version: Debug: BroadcastTraceDir: DeliverTraceDir: Operations: ListenAddress: TLS: Enabled: false Metrics: Provider: disabled Statsd: Network: udp Address: WriteInterval: 30s Prefix: Consensus: WALDir: /var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/wal SnapDir: /var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/snapshot
⇒ Generate Genesis Block for Orderer
⇐ Create Orderer Organization Definition
2019-09-04, 1188🔥, 0💬
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