Enroll Fabric CA Client Admin Identity


How to Enroll Fabric CA Client Admin Identity?

✍: FYIcenter.com


In order to use Fabric CA Client tool, you must enroll the server admin identity first.

1. Make sure Fabric CA Server is running at port 7054.

2. Set up FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME environment variable to avoid using the default of $HOME/.fabric-ca-client

$ mkdir -p ~/fabric-ca/native-client/admin
$ cd ~/fabric-ca/native-client/admin

$ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric-ca/native-client/admin

3. Enroll the server admin identity:

$ $GOPATH/bin/fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://admin:adminpw@localhost:7054

Created a default configuration file at ./fabric-ca-client-config.yaml
generating key: &{A:ecdsa S:256}
encoded CSR
signed certificate with serial number 13871342861339063003788651767087891270... POST /enroll 500 0 "Certificate signing failure: Failed 
to insert record into database: attempt to write a readonly database"

4. The enrollment failed with an error. But it created a configuration file and MSP directory structure:

$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 fyicenter 6553 Apr  1 15:38 fabric-ca-client-config.yaml
drwx------ 6 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 15:38 msp

$ ls -l msp 
drwxr-xr-x 2 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 15:38 cacerts
drwx------ 2 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 15:38 keystore
drwxr-xr-x 2 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 15:38 signcerts
drwxr-xr-x 2 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 15:38 user

See the next tutorial on how to resolve the error.


"fabric-ca-client enroll" Error - "Failed to insert"

Start Fabric CA Server Natively

Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)

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2019-09-27, 1018🔥, 0💬