1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>   ∑:1482  Sort:Rank

Examples of Invalid JSON Values
Where to see some Examples of Invalid JSON Values? Here are some Examples of Invalid JSON Values: 1. Invalid JSON Strings: 'John' - Wrong quotes "John says "Hello!"" - " inside the string must use escape sequence \" 2. Invalid JSON Numbers: $1.00 - Currency sign is now allowed in numbers 99.00 * 0.1...
2024-10-19, ≈62🔥, 8💬

💬 2024-10-19 Just Testing: " AND 1=1;SELECT * FROM v$version

💬 2024-10-19 Shika Noko: " AND 1=1;SELECT * FROM " AND 1=1;SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables

💬 2024-10-11 rama: {"name": "Joe", "age": 24, }

(More comments ...)

EPUB 2.0 Sample - "The Problems of Philosophy"
Where can I download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Problems of Philosophy" by Lewis Theme? You can following this tutorial to download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Problems of Philosophy" by Lewis Theme. 1. Go to pressbooks.com sample books page . 2. Click "EPUB" under "The Problems of Philosophy, ...
2024-08-05, ∼3090🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-08-05 Me: Graci

What Is PCDATA in HTML Documents?
What Is PCDATA in HTML Documents? PCDATA stands for Parsed Character DATA. Here are some basic rules about PCDATA: PCDATA is a string of characters and HTML entities. HTML entities are escape sequences used to refer to special characters that are not so easy to enter them in a text document. For exa...
2024-06-28, ∼1824🔥, 1💬

What Is Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)
What is Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)? Fabric CA (Certificate Authority) is a component of Hyperledger Fabric platform that manages certificates for Hyperledger Fabric Network as a MSP (Membership Service Provider). Similar to a standard PKI CA server, Fabric CA provides features such as: Regist...
2024-05-11, ∼2024🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-05-11 69@~~linux-4131: Ok lmao

HTML Entities
What Is an HTML Entity? An HTML entity is escape sequence used to represent a special character that is hard to enter via a normal keyboard. For example, you can not find a key on your keyboard to enter the copyright character, "©" directly. You need to use the HTML entity "©" to repres...
2024-04-14, ∼1767🔥, 0💬

HTML Elements with PCDATA Contents
What Are the HTML Elements Defined with PCDATA Contents? The following HTML elements are defined to use the PCDATA content model: <title> - Element to provide a title to the document. <style> - Element to provide a CSS to the document. <script> - Element to ...
2024-04-14, ∼1454🔥, 0💬

HTML Elements with Mixed Contents
What Are the HTML Elements Defined with Mixed Contents? The following HTML elements are defined to use the mixed content model: <p> - Element to insert a paragraph. <pre> - Element to insert a pre-formatted text. <li> - Element to insert an item into a list....
2024-04-14, ∼1443🔥, 0💬

HTML Elements with Sub-elements Contents
What Are the HTML Elements Defined with Sub-elements Contents? The following HTML elements are defined to use the sub-element content model: <html> - The root element of the document. <head> - Element to provide head information to the document. <ul> - Eleme...
2024-04-14, ∼1396🔥, 0💬

HTML Element Attributes
What Is an HTML Element Attribute? An element attribute is a predefined property about this element. Element attributes allows you to provide additional information to the element. Most HTML elements have some common attributes. But many HTML elements have their own specific attributes. Here are som...
2024-04-07, ∼1556🔥, 0💬

XHTML Element Name Case Sensitive
Is XHTML Element Name Case Sensitive? Yes, XHTML element names are case sensitive. All element names must be written in lower case letters. Here are some valid and invalid XHTML element names: <html> - Valid name. <HTML> - Invalid name, must use lower case letters. &l...
2024-04-07, ∼1488🔥, 0💬

Closing XHTML 'meta' Tags
What Is wrong with my <meta> Tags? If you are converting existing HTML documents to XHTML format, you may find some <meta> tags are written as: <meta name="Author" content="FYICenter.com"&gt ;<meta name="Description" content="Tutorials, FAQs and Tips on ...
2024-04-07, ∼1476🔥, 0💬

Writing HTML Element Attributes
How To Write Element Attributes Properly? If an attribute is allowed for an XHTML element, you must write the attribute inside the opening tag of this element. Here are some rules on writing element attributes: An attribute must have a name and a value, separated by the equal sign "=". An attribute ...
2024-04-07, ∼1448🔥, 0💬

Entering HTML Element Content
How To Enter HTML Element Content? Most of HTML elements allow you to specify contents. But there are some HTML elements that do not allow any contents. If an HTML element does allow element content, you can enter the content between the opening tag and the closing tag. Here are some good examples o...
2024-04-07, ∼1446🔥, 0💬

requests.models.Response Objects
What properties and functions are supported on requests.models.Response objects? "requests" module supports the following properties and functions on requests.models.Response objects: >>> r = requests.get() >>> r.status_code >>> r.header...
2024-04-02, ≈41🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-04-02 Javier Rojas: very good!

💬 2022-11-21 no: no

The Opening Tag of an HTML Element
How To Write the Opening Tag of an HTML Element? When you are writing an HTML element, you must start with its opening tag, which contains the name of the element and attributes if needed. The opening tag is enclosed in a pair of angle brackets: "<" and ">". HTML element names are pred...
2024-03-23, ∼1790🔥, 0💬

Closing an HTML Element
How To Close an HTML Element? In XHTML syntax, every HTML element must be closed. There are two ways to close an HTML element: Using a closing tag, which is the element name prefixed with "/" and enclosed in a pair of angle brackets: "<" and ">". Closing the opening tag immediately by ...
2024-03-23, ∼1700🔥, 0💬

What Is XHTML 1.0?
What Is XHTML 1.0? XHTML 1.0 was published as a W3C Recommendation in January 2000. XHMTL 1.0 is basically the same language as HTML 4.0. But XHTML 1.0 is defined in XML 1.0 syntax. XHTML 1.0 offers the following features: XHTML documents are XML conforming. As such, they are readily viewed, edited,...
2024-03-23, ∼1691🔥, 0💬

Closing XHTML 'br' Tags
What Is wrong with my <br> Tags? If you are used HTML syntax, you may write your <br> tags as in the paragraph below: <p> I love the way you look at me,<br> Your eyes so bright and blue.<br> I love the way you kiss me,<br&a...
2024-03-23, ∼1578🔥, 0💬

Entering Comments into HTML Documents
How To Enter Comments into HTML Documents? If you want to enter comments into an HTML document, you can use the comment tag: "<!-- ... -->". Here are some good examples of HTML comments: <!-- Start north banner -->... <script type="text/javascript"> <...
2024-03-23, ∼1484🔥, 0💬

Validating HTML5 Documents Online
How To Validate HTML5 Documents Online? If you have just finished a new HTML5 document, and you want to make sure that confirms with the HTML5 specification, you can use the HTML online validator at http://validator.w3.org/ . There are 3 ways you can use this validator: By URL - Specify the URL wher...
2024-03-17, ∼2293🔥, 0💬

Smallest Valid XHTML5 Document
What is a Smallest Valid XHTML5 Document? If you are interested to see the smallest, but valid, XHTML5 document, look at this one: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/ xhtml"><head><ti tle>Hel...
2024-03-17, ∼1791🔥, 0💬

Validating XHTML5 Documents Online
How To Validate XHTML5 Documents Online? If you have just finished a new XHTML5 document, and you want to make sure that confirms with the XHTML5 specification, you can use the XHTML online validator at https://validator.nu/ . First, you need to change "Parser" field to "XML; load external entities"...
2024-03-17, ∼1763🔥, 0💬

Introduction of XHTML 1.0
Where to find tutorials in understanding what is XHTML 1.0? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team in understanding what is XHTML 1.0. Clear answers are provided for frequently asked questions on what is XHTML 1.0; who developed XHTML 1.0...
2024-03-17, ∼1647🔥, 0💬

Top Level Structure of XHTML5 Documents
What is the Top Level Structure of an XHTML5 Document? An XHTML5 document is the XML serialization format of an HTML5 document. The top level structure of an XHTML5 document consists of three parts: XML processing instruction - Provides XML version information and character set declaration. Document...
2024-03-17, ∼1388🔥, 0💬

1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>   ∑:1482  Sort:Rank