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Process Azure AD v2 Authentication Request
How to the Azure AD v2.0 Sign-On Authentication Request is process by Azure AD service? When Azure AD service receives a Sign-On Authentication Request from an end user's Web browser, it will: Verify if the "client_id" value in the request is valid. If not, display an error message page to the end u...
2019-05-03, 1246🔥, 0💬

Authentication Response Received from Azure AD v2
How to process the authentication response received from Azure AD v2.0 service after sending a sign-on authentication request? After Azure AD v2.0 service receives a sign-on authentication request from the end user's Web browser, it will process the request and redirect the Web browser to the "redir...
2019-05-03, 1214🔥, 0💬

Initiate Azure AD v2 Authentication Request
How to initiate Azure AD v2.0 Sign-On Authentication Request? The Azure AD v2.0 Sign-On Authentication Request must be initiated from the end user's Web browser, because the Azure AD service needs to communicate with the Web browser to make sure that the end user is signed on to an AD (Active Direct...
2019-05-03, 1183🔥, 0💬

Azure AD v2 Authentication Request Test Page
How to build an Azure AD 2.0 Authentication Request Test page? The Authentication Request is the first call to the Azure AD service. You can build a simple Web form page to test different behavior of the Authentication Request. Here is an example, Azure-AD-2-Authentication-Requ est-Test.html:&lt...
2019-05-03, 1173🔥, 0💬

"docker run hello-world" Test on Ubuntu
How to run the "docker run hello-world" Test on Ubuntu? "hello-world" is simple Docker container application that displays the "Hello from Docker!". "hello-world" can be used to as test for you local Docker environment as shown below: fyicenter$ docker run hello-world Unable to find image 'hello-wor...
2019-04-30, 921🔥, 0💬

"docker container start --attach" - Attach Console
How to start a container with its console attached to the host console using the "docker container start --attach" command? By default, the "docker command start" command will start a container and run its default command in the background. You will not see anything that is printed its console. If y...
2019-04-30, 975🔥, 0💬

"docker container logs" - Fetch Logs
How to fetch log messages from a container with the "docker container logs" command? Most Docker container applications print log messages to its console to report statuses and debug information. You can fetch log messages from a container with the "docker container logs" command at any time, even a...
2019-04-29, 1044🔥, 0💬

"docker image pull" - Pull Image
How to pull an image from the remote registry to the local repository with "docker image pull" command? If you know the name of a Docker image, you can pull it from the remote registry to your local repository using the "docker image pull", or "docker pull" command. 1. Run "docker image pull" comman...
2019-04-22, 920🔥, 0💬

Differences of evaluateTransaction() and submitTransaction()
What are the differences of Differences of evaluateTransaction() and submitTransaction() of the fabric-network.Contract class? Here are the Differences of evaluateTransaction() and submitTransaction() of the fabric-network.Contract class: evaluateTransaction() method - Calls the given transaction fu...
2019-04-22, 5980🔥, 0💬

register-user.js - Register New User
How to write a Node.js script to Register New Users to ca.example.com? If you are an administrator on ca.example.com, you can register other new users to ca.example.com. Here is sample Node.js script, register-user.js, that uses your "admin" identity from the local wallet to register a new user to o...
2019-04-22, 1809🔥, 0💬

wallet-import.js - Import Keys to Wallet
How to write a Node.js script to Import Keys to Wallet? After enroll (sign in) to ca.example.com, you will receive your private key and a certificate of your public key. You can save import them into a local wallet. Here is sample Node.js script, wallet-import.js, that enrolls (signs in) to ca.examp...
2019-04-22, 1463🔥, 0💬

submit-transaction.js - Submit Chaincode Transaction
How to write a Node.js script to submit a transaction defined in the Invoke method of a chaincode? Here is sample Node.js script, submit-transaction.js, that uses a given user identity from the local wallet to submit a transaction on chaincode. /* Copyright (c) FYIcenter.com */ 'use strict'; const {...
2019-04-22, 1292🔥, 0💬

evaluate-transaction.js - Evaluate Chaincode Transaction
How to write a Node.js script to evaluate a transaction defined in the Invoke method of a chaincode? Here is sample Node.js script, evaluate-transaction.js, that uses a given user identity from the local wallet to evaluate a transaction on chaincode. /* Copyright (c) FYIcenter.com */ 'use strict'; c...
2019-04-22, 1110🔥, 0💬

Install Docker CE on Ubuntu Manually
How to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu Manually? You can follow this tutorial to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu manually. 1. Get your Ubuntu codename with "lsb_release" command. fyicenter$ lsb_release -cs bionic 2. Get your system architecture name with "arch" or "un...
2019-04-21, 1002🔥, 0💬

Install Docker CE on Ubuntu
Where to find tutorials on Docker CE for Ubuntu systems? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team as Introduction to Docker CE for Ubuntu systems. Install Docker CE on Ubuntu with "apt" Install Docker CE on Ubuntu Manually Install Docker CE...
2019-04-20, 1292🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on Hyperledger? I want to know how to create Hyperledger applications. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about Hyperledger: Introduction to Hyperledger What Is Hyperledger What Is Blockchain What I...
2019-04-19, 2003🔥, 0💬

What Is Hyperledger
What Is Hyperledger? Hyperledger is an open source project for developing blockchain-based application frameworks and tools. Currently, Hyperledger is working on the following frameworks: Hyperledger Burrow v.0.21.0, 2019 - Hyperledger Burrow is a blockchain client including a built-to-specification...
2019-04-19, 1191🔥, 0💬

Introduction to Hyperledger
Where to find tutorials as Introduction to Hyperledger. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team as Introduction to Hyperledger. What Is Hyperledger What Is Blockchain What Is Distributed Ledger What Is Smart Contract   ⇒ What Is Hyperledge...
2019-04-19, 993🔥, 0💬

CouchDB Server Admin Web Portal
What is CouchDB Server Admin Web Portal? If you are running BYFN (Build Your First Network) with the CouchDB option, the World State of each peer node is stored a CouchDB server running as Docker container. The CouchDB server supports an admin web portal that allows you manage the CouchDB server, it...
2019-04-19, 1194🔥, 0💬

Install Docker CE on Ubuntu with "apt"
How to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu with "apt"? You can follow this tutorial to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu with the "apt" tool. 1. Get your Ubuntu codename with "lsb_release" command. fyicenter$ lsb_release -cs bionic 2. Get your system architecture name with ...
2019-04-18, 931🔥, 0💬

Impact of Stopping Chaincode Container
What is the impact of stopping a chaincode container of a peer? We know that if a Peer has chaincode installed, it will run it as chaincode container to help the channel to perform a transaction on the chaincode. If you stop a chaincode container of a peer who is not a required member of the chainco...
2019-04-17, 1004🔥, 0💬

Not All Member Peers Run Chaincode
How to find out which member peers are running a given chaincode? When a chaincode is instantiated on a channel, you don't need all member peers to install the chaincode and run it. But we have to have some member peers to install and run it. Otherwise, no transactions can be performed on this chain...
2019-04-17, 944🔥, 0💬

"docker container list --all" - List All Containers
How to list all containers on the Docker Engine with "docker container list --all" command? The default "docker container list" or "docker ps" command lists only running containers. If you want to see all containers including those that were stopped, you need to use the "--all" option. Here is a lis...
2019-04-16, 1531🔥, 0💬

Instantiate Chaincode on BYFN Channel
How to Instantiate Chaincode on BYFN Channel? You can follow this tutorial to Instantiate Chaincode on BYFN Channel manually. 1. Verify the installed chaincode: $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# echo $CORE_PEER_ADDRESS peer0.org2.example.com:7051 bash-4.4# peer chaincode list --installed Get inst...
2019-04-14, 5512🔥, 0💬

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