Fabric CA Client Wallet


Where is the Fabric CA Client Wallet that stores identities and certificates used to access the Fabric CA Server?

✍: FYIcenter.com


The Fabric CA Client Wallet is stored in the "msp" sub-directory in the $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME directory or the default location of $HOME/.fabric-ca-client.

The Fabric CA Client Wallet has the following sub-directories:

$ cd fabric-ca/native-client/admin

$ ls -l msp
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter  843 Apr  1 18:06 IssuerPublicKey
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter  215 Apr  1 18:06 IssuerRevocationPublicKey
drwxr-xr-x 2 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 18:06 cacerts
drwx------ 2 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 18:06 keystore
drwxr-xr-x 2 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 18:06 signcerts
drwxr-xr-x 2 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 15:38 user

The private key and certificate of the "admin" identity is stored under "keystore" and "signcerts" directories:

$ ls -l msp/keystore
-rw------- 1 fyicenter 241 Apr  1 18:06 629cc4812c50fbc2cd788fbf061146df36ce...ca_sk

$ ls -l msp/signcerts
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter 843 Apr  1 18:06 cert.pem


"fabric-ca-client certificate list" - List Certificates

"fabric-ca-client enroll" Error - "Failed to insert"

Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)

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