Register Identity of "user" Type


How to register a new identity of "user" type?



You can follow this tutorial to register a new identity of "user" type.

1. Go to the Fabric CA Client system where you have the "admin" wallet created in the previous tutorial.

$ cd ~/fabric-ca/native-client/admin
$ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric-ca/native-client/admin

3. Run the "fabric-ca-client register" with the "--id.type user" option:

$ ~/go/bin/fabric-ca-client register bob --id.type user

[INFO] Configuration file location: ./fabric-ca-client-config.yaml
[INFO] POST /register 201 0 "OK"
Password: JUQvcikPOuwq

4. List identities on the Fabric CA Server:

$ ~/go/bin/fabric-ca-client identity list

Name: admin2, Type: client, Affiliation: org1.department1, Max Enrollments: -1, 
   Attributes: [{Name:admin Value:true ECert:true} 
      {Name:hf.Revoker Value:true ECert:false} 
      {Name:hf.EnrollmentID Value:admin2 ECert:true} 
      {Name:hf.Type Value:client ECert:true} 
      {Name:hf.Affiliation Value:org1.department1 ECert:true}]
Name: bob, Type: user, Affiliation: , Max Enrollments: -1, 
   Attributes: [{Name:hf.EnrollmentID Value:bob ECert:true} 
      {Name:hf.Type Value:user ECert:true} 
      {Name:hf.Affiliation Value: ECert:true}]

As you can see "bob" identity is created with a type of "user". Now you can pass bob:JUQvcikPOuwq to Bob, so he can enroll to create his certificate and save it in his wallet.


Add Identity using JSON String

Second Admin Enroll to Create Wallet

Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)

⇑⇑ Hyperledger Tutorials

2019-09-16, 1261🔥, 0💬