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Uninstall Chaincode on BYFN Peers
How to uninstall chaincodes on BYFN Peers? Unfortunately, the BYFN CLI "peer chaincode" command does offer any option to uninstall chaincodes from a given peer. You have two options when your chaincodes from different peers are out of sync or incompatible: 1. Destroy chaincode instance and re-instal...
2020-09-15, 1063🔥, 0💬

Verify Blockchain on the Channel
How to Verify Blockchain on the Channel? Since all transactions (changes of assets managed by chaincodes) are stored in the blockchain shared by all peers of the channel, you can use the "peer channel" CLI command to look at them. 1. Connect to CLI container: $ docker exec -it cli bash root@262918fd...
2020-02-20, 1063🔥, 0💬

Install Docker CE on Ubuntu Manually
How to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu Manually? You can follow this tutorial to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu manually. 1. Get your Ubuntu codename with "lsb_release" command. fyicenter$ lsb_release -cs bionic 2. Get your system architecture name with "arch" or "un...
2019-04-21, 1063🔥, 0💬

"composer archive" to Generate BNA File
How to package my business network source code files into a BNA file for deployment? You can use the "composer archive create" command to package my business network source code files into a BNA file for deployment: $ cd tutorial-network $ composer archive create -t dir -n . $ ls -l tutorial-network...
2021-02-04, 1062🔥, 0💬

Start Fabric CA Server Natively
How to Start Fabric CA Server Natively? You can follow this tutorial to Start Fabric CA Server Natively. 1. Shutdown existing Fabric CA Server or any process (or docker container) that is using port 7054. $ docker ps | grep fabric-ca hyperledger/fabric-ca:amd64-1. 4.0Up 9 days;7...
2019-10-18, 1059🔥, 0💬

Peer Node Log File Location
Where are Peer Node Log Files located? Log files of the Hyperledger Composer peer node in the Docker container that runs the peer node. You can use these commands find peer node log files: 1. Find the container id of the peer node: $ docker ps | grep peer 6bc4e52f82d0 hyperledger/fabric-peer:x86_64 -...
2020-12-02, 1058🔥, 0💬

Watch Peer Container Log
How to watch the log file of Peer Container Log? You can follow this tutorial to watch the log file of a peer container: 1. Set up a new terminal on the hosting system to follow the log file of the "peer0.org1.example.com" container: $ docker logs --tail 10 -f peer0.org1.example.com [gossip.comm] fu...
2020-07-07, 1057🔥, 0💬

"docker container start/stop" - Start/Stop Container
How to start a stopped container on the Docker Engine with "docker container start/stop" command? In order to use the "docker container start" or "docker start" command, we need to know the container ID or name. 1. Get the ID or name of a stopped container from the output of the "docker container li...
2019-06-04, 1057🔥, 0💬

"PeerAdmin@hlfv1" - Peer Admin Access Card
What is Peer Admin Access Card "PeerAdmin@hlfv1"? "PeerAdmin@hlfv1" is a special Business Network Card that has special permission to deploy new Business Network to the peer node, "peer0.org1.example.com" in your Hyperledger Composer Developer Environment? "PeerAdmin@hlfv1" card can be created with ...
2020-07-14, 1056🔥, 0💬

"docker image inspect" - Inspect Image
How to Inspect an Image in the local repository with "docker image inspect" command? You can get more information from an image using the "docker image inspect" command with a given image name or ID: fyicenter$ docker image inspect hello-world [ { "Id": "sha256:fce289e99eb9bca977dae1 36fbe2a82b6b7d4c...
2019-03-31, 1055🔥, 0💬

Create Orderer Organization Definition
How to Create Orderer Organization Definition? You can follow this tutorial to Create Orderer Organization Definition. 1. Instead of creating a new MSP entry for the orderer, you can borrow the one created in BYFN tutorials: $ mkdir fabric-orderer $ cd fabric-orderer $ cp -r ~/hyperledger-binaries/f...
2019-09-04, 1054🔥, 0💬

Steps of Setting Up Ledger Peer
What are major steps to Set Up an Ledger Peer on a Hyperledger Fabric network? Here are major steps to Set Up an Ledger Peer (also called Peer Node) on a Hyperledger Fabric network. Pulling the Hyperledger Fabric peer images from docker hub. Creating the organization your peer node belongs to. Confi...
2019-05-14, 1054🔥, 0💬

"configtx.yaml" Environment Configuration File
What is the "configtx.yaml" Environment Configuration File? "configtx.yaml" is a Configuration File used to control the Hyplerledger Composer development environment. It is located in the "composer" sub-directory: $ cd fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scri pts/hlfv12/composer$ ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter ...
2020-07-22, 1053🔥, 0💬

Connect to Local Playground Server
How to connect to my local Hyperledger Composer Playground Server? When your local Hyperledger Composer Playground Server is started, it listens to the 8080 port by default. So you can connect to the server with a Web browser on the local system, using the following address: http://localhost:8080 If...
2021-02-17, 1052🔥, 0💬

"docker container rm ..." - Remove All Containers
How to remove all containers from the Docker Engine with "docker container rm ..." command? If you have created many containers on the Docker Engine and you want to remove them all, you can use the "docker container rm ..." command with a sub-command to specify the list of all container IDs. 1. Run ...
2019-09-12, 1051🔥, 0💬

Build and Run "Hello" Go Program
How to Build and Run "Hello" Go Program on Ubuntu? Hyperledger Fabric framework is written in Go language. So it is important to learn how build and run Go programs on Ubuntu. Here are the steps to build and run the "Hello" Go program. 1. Make sure that Go is installed. $ go version go version go1.1...
2020-05-15, 1050🔥, 0💬

Turn on Orderer Peer Operation RESTful API
How to Turn on Orderer Peer Operation RESTful API? You can follow this tutorial to Turn on Orderer Peer Operation RESTful API. 1. Update Docker Compose YAML file, docker-compose-default.yaml to override the "operations" settings: $ cd fabric-orderer $ vi docker-compose-default.yaml # Copyright (c) F...
2019-05-14, 1050🔥, 0💬

Install WSL 2 on Windows 10
How to Install WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) 2 on Windows 10? There are two options to support Docker Desktop on Windows: Using WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) 2 - WSL 2 is a Windows tool that allows you to install a Linux distribution as an app from the Windows store. WSL 2 actually uses the Linux ke...
2023-01-30, 1048🔥, 0💬

buy.js - Application to Buy Paper
What is the Application to Buy Paper, buy.js? buy.js is a client application using the Hyperledger Fabric Node.js SDK library to invoke the buy() function of the papercontract running on the PaperNet. 1. View buy.js source code: (balaji)$ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples(balaji)$ cd commerc...
2019-11-08, 1047🔥, 0💬

Switch Default Peer with Scripts
How to Switch Default Peer on the CLI container with Scripts? I am tired of typing those 4 CORE_PEER_* export commands. From previous tutorial, we know that we need to type in export commands to set 4 CORE_PEER_* environment variables. But you can also put them into shell scripts and run them whenev...
2020-05-29, 1045🔥, 0💬

docker-compose-orderer.yaml - Docker Configuration
What is the Docker Compose configuration file for an Orderer peer? The Docker Compose configuration file, docker-compose-orderer.yaml, provides settings on how to run the orderer peer on the Docker engine. Here is a sample of docker-compose-orderer.yaml for a single orderer peer: $ cd fabric-orderer...
2019-08-23, 1045🔥, 0💬

Requirements for Fabric CA Server and Client
What are the requirements to install and run Fabric CA Server and Client? Fabric CA Server and Client are written in Golang, so you need to stall Go environment and required libraries: Go 1.10+ installation GOPATH environment variable is set correctly libtool and libtdhl-dev packages are installed 1...
2019-10-18, 1044🔥, 0💬

Pull Hyperledger Fabric Orderer Image
How to Pull Hyperledger Fabric Orderer Image from docker hub? You can follow this tutorial to Pull Hyperledger Fabric Orderer Image from docker hub. 1. Check the Docker local repository: $ docker image list | grep fabric-orderer hyperledger/fabric-orderer latest ec4ca236d3d4 2 weeks ago 173MB hyperl...
2019-09-04, 1044🔥, 0💬

Fabric Network without CA Server
Can I run a Hyperledger Fabric Network without Fabric CA Server? Yes, you can run a Hyperledger Fabric Network without Fabric CA Server. In that case, you have to manage PKI certificate services manually For example, you need to do the following manually to add a new user to access your ledger peer:...
2019-10-18, 1041🔥, 0💬

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