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Basic Sample Business Network - Home Page
What is on the Basic Sample Business Network home page? You can follow this tutorial to see what's on the Basic Sample Business Network home page. 1. Run Web browser and go to: composer-playground.mybluemix. net. 2. Click on "Let's Blockchain!" to skip the welcome page. 3. Click "Get Started -&g...
2020-12-22, 993🔥, 0💬

Blockchain Data Files on Peer Container
Where is the location of Blockchain Data Files on a Peer Container? We known that each peer container needs to maintain a copy of the ledger data for each channel it joined. Ledger data is divided into 2 parts: World State and Blockchain. The World State data is stored in a database, like Go LevelDB...
2020-05-29, 992🔥, 0💬

"docker container ..." - Manage Containers
How to manage containers with "docker container ..." commands? A Docker container is a deployed instance of an application that runs on the Docker Engine in an encapsulated environment. You can use "docker container" commands to manage Docker containers. Here is a list of sub-commands supported by t...
2019-06-02, 992🔥, 0💬

Shutdown Docker Desktop on Windows
How to Shutdown Docker Desktop and related services on Windows? If you shutdown Docker Desktop and related services on Windows system, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Right-click "Docker Desktop" icon in the task bar to open the "Docker Desktop" control menu. 2. Select "Quit Docker Desktop". You se...
2023-01-30, 985🔥, 0💬

ERROR(NCX-001) - NCX identifier Not Match
How to fix the "ERROR(NCX-001) - NCX identifier ... does not match OPF identifier ..." error? When you validate a EPUB 2.0 package with EpubCheck, you may see the following error: C:\fyicenter&gt; java -jar epubcheck.jar Error-NCX-ID-Not-Match-2.0.epu bValidating using EPUB version 2.0.1 rules. ...
2022-11-04, 985🔥, 0💬

Not All Member Peers Run Chaincode
How to find out which member peers are running a given chaincode? When a chaincode is instantiated on a channel, you don't need all member peers to install the chaincode and run it. But we have to have some member peers to install and run it. Otherwise, no transactions can be performed on this chain...
2019-04-17, 985🔥, 0💬

Start/Stop Hyperledger Fabric Dev Environment
How to start and stop Hyplerledger Fabric Dev Environment? You can follow this tutorial to start and stop Hyplerledger Fabric on Ubuntu. 1. Make sure the Docker Engine is running: $ ps -e | grep dockerd 17939 ? 00:39:58 dockerd $ docker info Containers: 6 Running: 4 Paused: 0 Stopped: 2 Images: 88 S...
2021-04-04, 984🔥, 0💬

BYFN docker-compose-cli.yaml Configuration File
What is the docker-compose-cli.yaml Configuration File used in BYFN (Build Your First Network)? The docker-compose-cli.yaml Configuration File provides settings on Docker containers to run the BYFN network. Here is the default copy of docker-compose-cli.yaml provided in BYFN: # SPDX-License-Identifi...
2020-10-20, 984🔥, 0💬

Install Docker Static Package on Windows 10
How to install Docker static package on Windows 10? If you have trouble installing Docker Desktop for Windows 10, you want to try the static command line version of Docker CE (Community Edition) as shown in this tutorial. 1. Go to https://download.docker.com/wi n/static/. 2. Click and open "Stable &...
2023-01-30, 983🔥, 0💬

"docker-compose" - Deploy Orderer to Docker
How to deploy Orderer peer to Docker using the "docker-compose" command? You can follow this tutorial to deploy Orderer peer to Docker using the "docker-compose" command. 1. Verify required files for the Orderer peer: $ cd fabric-orderer $ ls -l -rw-rw-r-- 1 fyicenter 935 Apr 1 02:23 docker-compose-...
2019-08-23, 981🔥, 0💬

"mysql.connector" Module by mysql.com
How to use "mysql.connector" module produced by mysql.com? "mysql.connector" is the official Python module provided by mysql.com for MySQL database connection. You can follow this tutorial to try it. 1. Install "mysql-connector-python" package that contains the "mysql.connector" module. Do not use t...
2021-11-13, 980🔥, 0💬

PyMySQL Package by pypi.org
How to use "pymysql" module from PyMySQL Package produced by pypi.org? "pymysql" is a Python module in the PyMySQL package provided by pypi.org for MySQL database connection. "pymysql" implements "PEP 249 -- Python Database API Specification v2.0" at https://www.python.org/dev/pep s/pep-0249/. You c...
2021-09-09, 980🔥, 0💬

Peer and CouchDB Container Dependency
Which Peer container depends which CouchDB container in BYFN network? If you are running BYFN (Build Your First Network) with the CouchDB option, the Peer and CouchDB Container Dependency is defined in the "docker-compose-couch.yaml" file. $ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples/first-network$ m...
2020-07-03, 980🔥, 1💬

Container Network - "net_basic"
What is the Container Network - "net_basic"? "net_basic" is a Docker container network consists of all containers related to Hyperledger Fabric network, basic-network. A container network groups containers together to help network communications among those containers. You can verify the "net_basic"...
2020-04-14, 980🔥, 0💬

"crypto-config.yaml" Environment Configuration File
What is the "crypto-config.yaml" Environment Configuration File? "crypto-config.yaml" is a Configuration File used to control the Hyplerledger Composer development environment. It is located in the "composer" sub-directory: $ cd fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scri pts/hlfv12/composer$ ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 ...
2020-07-22, 979🔥, 0💬

View Channel Blockchain and Download Blocks
How to View Blockchain and Download Blocks of a Hyperledger Fabric Channel? You can follow this tutorial to View Blockchain and Download Blocks of a Hyperledger Fabric Channel. 1. Connect to the CLI container of the Hyperledger Fabric network: $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# 2. List channels jo...
2020-08-13, 978🔥, 0💬

Prepare User Identity for Isabella
How to Prepare User Identity for Isabella? If Isabella wants to run any application to use the chaincode running the PaperNet, you to prepare a user identity for her. An identity of an application user consists of a private key and a public key certificate issue by the CA node of the PaperNet. Norma...
2019-11-21, 978🔥, 0💬

redeem.js - Application to Redeem Paper
What is the Application to Redeem Pape, redeem.js? redeem.js is a client application using the Hyperledger Fabric Node.js SDK library to invoke the redeem() function of the papercontract running on the PaperNet. 1. View redeem.js source code: (balaji)$ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples(balaj...
2019-11-08, 978🔥, 0💬

What Is Blockchain
What Is Blockchain? A blockchain is a growing list of data blocks that are cryptographically chained together. A blockchain has the following main features: A data block has a header and a list of data transactions. Merkle hash tree is used to store a fingerprint of all transactions in the block hea...
2022-03-29, 975🔥, 0💬

Join Peer to BYFN Network Channel
How to join the default peer to a BYFN network Channel? You can follow this tutorial to join the default peer to a BYFN network Channel. In last tutorial, we have created a transaction file, channel.tx, that contains a transaction message to create a channel called "mychannel" on the BYFN network. N...
2020-09-30, 975🔥, 0💬

Install Docker CE on Ubuntu with "apt"
How to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu with "apt"? You can follow this tutorial to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu with the "apt" tool. 1. Get your Ubuntu codename with "lsb_release" command. fyicenter$ lsb_release -cs bionic 2. Get your system architecture name with ...
2019-04-18, 975🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Script File
What Is Hyperledger Composer Script File (*.js)? A Hyperledger Composer script file is a source code file that define business logics on how each transaction is processed. A script file uses the JavaScript language and the .js file extension. Here is an example of a script file from the Basic Sample...
2020-11-22, 971🔥, 0💬

Path Name Used to Build Windows Images
What is the format for path names used to build Windows Docker images? Is it different than Linux path name format? Yes. Path name format used to build Windows images is different from Linux images. There are 2 general rules you have to remember when using path names in the Dockerfile to build Windo...
2021-11-30, 970🔥, 0💬

What Is NVIDIA CUDA Docker Image
What is NVIDIA CUDA Docker Image? NVIDIA CUDA docker image is the Docker image designed by NVIDIA to enable portability in Docker images that leverage NVIDIA GPUs. It allowed driver agnostic CUDA images and provided a Docker command line wrapper that mounted the user mode components of the driver an...
2023-03-07, 969🔥, 0💬

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