Pull Hyperledger Fabric Orderer Image


How to Pull Hyperledger Fabric Orderer Image from docker hub?

✍: FYIcenter.com


You can follow this tutorial to Pull Hyperledger Fabric Orderer Image from docker hub.

1. Check the Docker local repository:

$ docker image list | grep fabric-orderer
hyperledger/fabric-orderer   latest        ec4ca236d3d4   2 weeks ago    173MB
hyperledger/fabric-orderer   amd64-1.4.0   54f372205580   3 months ago   150MB

As you can see, the fabric-orderer 1.4.0 image is already downloaded by previous tutorials. There is no need to download it again.


Create Orderer Organization Definition

Steps of Setting Up Orderer Peer

Setting Up Orderer Peer Manually

⇑⇑ Hyperledger Tutorials

2019-09-04, 1096🔥, 0💬