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Top Level Structure of HTML5 Documents
What is the Top Level Structure of an HTML5 Document? The top level structure of an HTML5 document in HTML serialization format consists of two parts: Document type declaration - Provides the document type and version information. Document root element - Provides the root element of the document: ht...
2024-03-07, 1131🔥, 0💬

HTML 'pre' Tag/Element
What Is a "pre" Tag/Element? A pre element is a block level element that can be used directly as a sub-element in the body element. You can use pre elements to specify blocks of pre-formatted text with white space characters preserved. Here are basic rules about pre elements: "pre" elements are mixe...
2023-08-03, 1124🔥, 0💬

Authentication Flows with Google OpenID Connect
What are Authentication Flows Supported by Google OpenID Connect service? Google OpenID Connect service supports 3 Authentication Flows: 1. Implicit Flow - The Implicit Flow is simple to implement. But it is less secure. Authentication is done in a single call to Google OpenID Connect service, which...
2021-03-21, 1124🔥, 0💬

start.sh - Start basic-network
How to run start.sh script to start the Hyperledger Fabric example network, basic-network? You can follow this tutorial to run start.sh script to start the Hyperledger Fabric example network, basic-network. 1. Stop existing Hyperledger Fabric Networks on your local host by stopping all Docker contai...
2020-04-25, 1124🔥, 0💬

Add Identity using JSON String
How to add a new identity using a JSON string? You can follow this tutorial to add a new identity using a JSON string. 1. Go to the Fabric CA Client system where you have the "admin" wallet created in the previous tutorial. $ cd ~/fabric-ca/native-client/admi n$ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric ...
2019-09-16, 1124🔥, 0💬

Incorrect HTML 'p' Elements
What Is Wrong with My "p" Elements? If you are having trouble with your p elements, it could be caused by one of the following common mistakes: &lt;!-- Missing closing tags --&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;p&gt;I love the way you look at me. &lt;p&gt;I love the way you kiss me...
2023-08-03, 1122🔥, 0💬

Auto-Start of Required Chaincode Container
Why a chaincode container is automatically started? A chaincode container will be automatically started, if a chaincode is invoked and the chaincode container's peer is a required peer for the chaincode. Let's continue with the previous tutorial to see this behavior. 6. Stop the chaincode container ...
2020-07-03, 1122🔥, 2💬

💬 2020-07-03 chelseaclark: Creative Bioarray provides a rapid, high-throughput slide scanning service for different kinds of application. The whole slide s...

What Is Azure Active Directory
What Is Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)? Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft's multi-tenant, cloud-based directory, and identity management service. Azure AD combines core directory services, application access management, and identity protection in a single solution, offering a standar...
2021-06-20, 1121🔥, 0💬

Check "couchdb" Database Server
How to Check the "couchdb" Database Server? The "couchdb" database server supports a REST API. We can use it to look at its data. 1. Find out the REST API port number of the "couchdb" server container: $ docker ps | grep couchdb hyperledger/fabric-couchdb 4369/tcp, 9100/tcp,;598...
2020-03-25, 1121🔥, 0💬

Alpine Linux Docker Image
Where to find tutorials on Alpine Linux Docker Image? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Alpine Linux Docker Image. What Is Alpine Linux Docker Image "docker search alpine" - Search for Alpine Image "docker image pull alpine" - Pul...
2019-03-29, 1116🔥, 0💬

Relation between HTML and XHTML
What Is the relation between XHTML and HTML? Technically speaking, the HTML standard introduces one abstract language and three concrete syntaxes to represent an HTML document in different formats: 1. HTML language - An abstract language that describes a Web document in constructed. It is used to ge...
2024-01-31, 1113🔥, 0💬

Incorrect HTML 'body' Elements
What Is Wrong with My HTML "body" Elements? If you are having trouble with your body elements, it could be caused by one of the following common mistakes: &lt;!-- Text can not be used in body directly --&gt; &lt;body&gt; Hello world! &lt;/body&gt; &lt;!-- "title" is not a...
2023-08-09, 1113🔥, 0💬

Manage basic-network with cli Container
How to Manage basic-network with cli Container? You can follow this tutorial to Manage basic-network with cli Container. 1. Start all containers, including cli, defined in the docker-compose.yml file: $ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples/basic-network$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up ...
2020-03-15, 1113🔥, 0💬

Start CLI Container for MagnetoCorp Admin
How to Start CLI Container for the MagnetoCorp Administrator? If you are the administrator from MagnetoCorp and want to manage the PaperNet Hyperledger Fabric network, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Create a new terminal window and run the docker-compose command to start the CLI container: (magnet...
2019-12-19, 1112🔥, 0💬

Create Identity Wallet for Isabella
How to Create Identity Wallet for Isabella at MagnetoCorp? Once Isabella gets a copy of the private key and the certificate that represents her identity, User1@org1.example.com, on the PaperNet, she needs to put them in a local wallet. Whenever Isabella runs an application, it will open the wallet a...
2019-11-21, 1112🔥, 0💬

WYFA (Writing Your First Application)
Where to find tutorials on WYFA (Writing Your First Application) Network? I need help to follow the document provided at hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs .ioWebsite. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on WYFA (Writing Your First Applica...
2020-03-15, 1110🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Log File Location
Where are Hyperledger Composer Log Files located? Log files of the Hyperledger Composer developer environment is located in the "~/.composer/logs" directory. $ cd ~/.composer/logs $ ls -l -rw-rw-r-- 1 fyicenter 2257 Mar 31 19:49 trace_20190331.log -rw-rw-r-- 1 fyicenter 10482 Apr 1 13:05 trace_20190...
2020-12-02, 1108🔥, 0💬

MySQL Database Server Connection Information
What information is needed to connect to a MySQL database? In order to connect to a MySQL database server, you need to get the following information from your DBA: Host Name: This is the host name on the network, or the IP address that runs the MySQL database server. Port Number: This is the port nu...
2021-11-13, 1104🔥, 0💬

Azure AD App Registrations (Preview)
What Azure AD App Registrations (Preview)? Azure AD App Registrations (Preview) is the new application registration management tool replacing the old App Registrations. App Registrations (Preview) offers the following new functionalities: Quickstart - Tutorials and guides for developers. Branding - ...
2022-03-29, 1103🔥, 0💬

Getting Extra White Spaces in HTML
How To Get an Extra White Space? As you know that white space characters will be ignored in elements like "p". So how to get some extra white space to show up in your text paragraphs? On easy solution is to use XHTML entity: "&amp;nbsp;", which stands for "non-breaking space". Here is an example...
2024-02-18, 1102🔥, 0💬

Controlling Line Breaks in a Paragraph in HTML
How To Control Line Breaks in a Paragraph? By default line breaks within a paragraph are controlled by the browser. Lines will be wrapped at the right edge of the display area of the paragraph. If you want to force a line break in middle of a line, you can use the "br" elements. Below is a good tuto...
2023-08-03, 1101🔥, 0💬

Invoke Chaincode Transaction on BYFN Channel
How to Invoke Chaincode Transaction on BYFN Channel? An instance of a chaincode can be viewed as an object of a class in an execution environment. It can hold transaction operations to manage its properties. You can run the "peer chaincode invoke" command to invoke the "Invoke" operation of a given ...
2020-09-30, 1098🔥, 0💬

Build "hello" Image from Alpine
How to Build my "hello" Docker image from the Alpine image? I want the container to print "Hello!" in the console. If you want to build a new Docker image, you can try to build it with the Alpine image as its base as shown in this tutorial. 1. Create a "Dockerfile" file with 2 instructions: fyicente...
2019-02-19, 1096🔥, 0💬

Reinstall Node.js Required Modules
How to reinstall Node.js Required Modules with the new version of npm? After installing the latest version of "node" and "npm" with "nvm", you can reinstall Node.js Required Modules to run Node.js client applications again the WYFA network. 1. Remove all files in "node_modules": $ cp ~/hyperledger-b...
2020-01-04, 1094🔥, 0💬

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