Peer Node Log File Location


Where are Peer Node Log Files located?



Log files of the Hyperledger Composer peer node in the Docker container that runs the peer node. You can use these commands find peer node log files:

1. Find the container id of the peer node:

$ docker ps | grep peer

6bc4e52f82d0        hyperledger/fabric-peer:x86_64-1.1.0   ... 

2. Fetch most recent log messages from the container:

$ docker logs 6bc4e52f82d0

2019-04-01 13:32:48.645 UTC [flogging] setModuleLevel -> DEBU 1e1 Module 'grpc' 
   logger enabled for log level 'ERROR'
2019-04-01 14:08:53.665 UTC [common/deliverevents] Deliver -> DEBU 1e4 Starting 
   new Deliver handler
2019-04-01 14:08:53.665 UTC [common/deliver] Handle -> DEBU 1e5 Starting new 
   deliver loop for
2019-04-01 14:08:53.665 UTC [common/deliver] Handle -> DEBU 1e6 Attempting to 
   read seek info message from
2019-04-01 14:08:53.665 UTC [common/deliver] deliverBlocks -> DEBU 1e7 Rejecting 
   deliver for because channel composerchannel not found
2019-04-01 14:08:53.665 UTC [common/deliver] Handle -> DEBU 1e8 Waiting for 
   new SeekInfo from
2019-04-01 14:08:53.665 UTC [common/deliver] Handle -> DEBU 1e9 Attempting 
   to read seek info message from
2019-04-01 14:08:53.708 UTC [common/deliver] Handle -> WARN 1ea Error reading 
   from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
2019-04-01 14:08:53.708 UTC [common/deliverevents] func1 -> DEBU 1eb Closing 
   Deliver stream

3. If you want to get log messages after a specific date and time, you can use the "--since" option and redirect them to a file:

$ docker logs --since 2019-04-01 6bc4e52f82d0 2> peer.log

4. You can also follow and watch the log file in real time using the "-f" option. This is a good idea to troubleshoot any Hyperledger Composer runtime issues. Press "Ctrl-C" to stop it.

$ docker logs -f 6bc4e52f82d0


⇒ Peer Log Messages - Start Environment

⇐ Hyperledger Composer Log File Location

⇑ Hyperledger Composer Log Files

⇑⇑ Hyperledger Composer Tutorials

2020-12-02, 1131🔥, 0💬