Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Hello-3.1.epub Created with WinRAR
How to create Hello-3.1.epub with WinRAR? I have all required files to create Hello-3.1.epub.
To create the EPUB 3.1 example, Hello-3.1.epub, you need to collect all files mentioned from previous tutorials:
|-- mimetype |-- package.opf |-- content.xhtml |-- navigation.xhtml |-- META-INF |-- container.xml
Then you can build Hello-3.1.epub with WinRAR using the following commands:
C:\fyicenter>WinRAR a -afzip Hello-3.1.epub mimetype C:\fyicenter>WinRAR a Hello-3.1.epub META-INF\container.xml C:\fyicenter>WinRAR a Hello-3.1.epub package.opf C:\fyicenter>WinRAR a Hello-3.1.epub navigation.xhmtl C:\fyicenter>WinRAR a Hello-3.1.epub content.xhtml
Now you can open Hello-3.1.epub with any EPUB reader software that supports EPUB 3.1.
⇒ Hello-3.1.epub Displayed in Calibre
⇐ Hello-3.1.epub - Content File: content.xhtml
2019-01-12, 3370🔥, 0💬
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