Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Operation Setting: 'Rewrite URL template' - 2017 Version
How to use the API operation 2017 version setting "Rewrite URL template"?
The API operation setting "Rewrite URL template" is used to override the "URL template" setting,
when constructing the final URL to call the backend service.
By default, Azure will construct the final URL by appending the URL template defined at the operation level to the backend Web service URL defined at the API level.
For example, if you create an API with the following settings:
Web service URL: Web API URL suffix: first Your API service URL:
Then you add an operation with the following settings, leaving the "Rewrite URL" field empty:
HTTP verb: POST URL template: /users Rewrite URL template:
When client system calls your Azure API service operation at:
Azure will forward the call to your backend service with this final URL: Constructed by: <Web service URL> + <URL template> = "" + "/users"
But if you set "Rewrite URL" field to "/users", like:
HTTP verb: POST URL template: /users Rewrite URL template: /profiles
Azure will forward the call to your backend service with this final URL: Constructed by: <Web service URL> + <Rewrite URL template> = "" + "/profiles"
⇒ Add API to API Products - 2017 Version
⇐ Add Operation to API on Publisher Portal - 2017 Version
2018-03-31, 3187🔥, 0💬
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