What Can I See on Developer Portal


What API can I see on the Developer Portal?

✍: FYIcenter.com


What API you can see on the Developer Portal is depending on who you are.

1. If you are a publisher user in the "Administrator" group, you can see all APIs included in all API products.

2. If you are a publisher user but not in the "Administrator" group, you can see all APIs included in API products that you are named as a subscriber.

3. If you are a client developer and logged to the Developer Portal, you can see all APIs included in API products that are published.

4. If you are guest and not logged to the Developer Portal, you can see all APIs included in API products that are published.


Test API as a Publisher Administrator

Login to Developer Portal as Publisher

Using Azure API Management Developer Portal

⇑⇑ Microsoft Azure API Management Tutorials

2018-03-31, 1360🔥, 0💬