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Azure API Management - Developer Portal
What is Azure API Management Developer Portal? Azure API Management Developer Portal is an Azure Web portal that allows your developers of client applications to learn and run tests on your API services. Once you have signed up for an Azure API Management Service, you will be given an API Management...
2018-10-30, 4298🔥, 0💬

Azure API Management - Gateway
What is Azure API Management Gateway? Azure API Management Gateway is the Azure Web server that service your API services. Once you have signed up for an Azure API Management Service, you will be given a URL that represents the API Gateway: https://your-api-management-se rvice-name.azure-api.netWhen...
2018-10-30, 4221🔥, 0💬

Azure API Management - Publisher Dashboard
What is Azure API Management Publisher Dashboard? Azure API Management Publisher Dashboard is an Azure Web portal that allows you to create and manage your API services. Once you have signed up for an Azure API Management Service, you will see it listed as resource entry on your Azure dashboard. If ...
2018-10-30, 3752🔥, 0💬

API Management Services at Azure Portal
Where to find tutorials on API Management Services at Azure Portal? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on API Management Services at Azure Portal: What Is Azure API Management Service Azure API Management - Publisher Dashboard Azure A...
2018-10-30, 2991🔥, 0💬

EPUB 2.0 Sample - "The Metamorphosis"
Where can I download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka? You can following this tutorial to download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. 1. Go to pressbooks.com sample books page . 2. Click "EPUB" under "The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka (Jackson The...
2018-10-26, 4001🔥, 0💬

EPUB 2.0 Sample - "The Geography of Bliss"
Where can I download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Geography of Bliss" by Eric Weiner? You can following this tutorial to download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Geography of Bliss" by Eric Weiner. 1. Go to adobe.com sample eBooks page . 2. Click "The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Ha...
2018-10-26, 2637🔥, 0💬

EPUB 2.0 Sample - "The Problems of Philosophy"
Where can I download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Problems of Philosophy" by Lewis Theme? You can following this tutorial to download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Problems of Philosophy" by Lewis Theme. 1. Go to pressbooks.com sample books page . 2. Click "EPUB" under "The Problems of Philosophy, ...
2018-10-26, 2633🔥, 0💬

EPUB 2.0 Sample - "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
Where can I download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll? You can following this tutorial to download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. 1. Go to adobe.com sample eBooks page . 2. Click "Alice's Adventures in Wonderl...
2018-10-26, 2548🔥, 0💬

EPUB 3.0 Sample - "The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon"
Where can I download the EPUB 3.0 sample book "The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon" by Siegfried Sassoon? You can following this tutorial to download the EPUB 3.0 sample book "The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon" by Siegfried Sassoon. 1. Go to infogridpacific.com Free ePub3 Books page . 2. Click "Down...
2018-10-26, 2438🔥, 0💬

re.search() - Search for First Match
How to search for the first match of a regular expression using re.search()? The re.search() function allows you to search for the first match of a given regular expression in a target string. import re m = re.search(pattern, string, flags=0) Where: pattern is the regular expression string is the ta...
2018-10-19, 3021🔥, 0💬

re.findall() - Find All Matches
How to find all matches of a regular expression using re.findall()? The re.findall() function allows you to find all matches of a given regular expression in a target string. import re l = re.findall(pattern, string, flags=0) Where: pattern is the regular expression string is the target string l is ...
2018-10-19, 1922🔥, 0💬

re.sub() - Substitute Matches with String
How to substitutes matches of a regular expression in a target string with another string using re.sub()? The re.sub() function allows you to substitute (or replace) matches of a given regular expression in match the beginning part of a target string with of a given regular expression. import re f =...
2018-10-19, 1710🔥, 0💬

re.match() - Match from String Beginning
How to match the beginning part of a target string with a regular expression using re.match()? The re.match() function allows you to match the beginning part of a target string with of a given regular expression. import re m = re.match(pattern, string, flags=0) Where: pattern is the regular expressi...
2018-10-19, 1628🔥, 0💬

What Is Python Module 're'
What Is Python module "re"? "re" is a Python internal module that provides regular expression matching and replacement operations similar to those found in Perl. Here are some important properties and functions provided by the "re" module: &gt;&gt;&gt; import re &gt;&gt;&gt; ...
2018-10-19, 1353🔥, 0💬

json.dumps() - Dumping Object into JSON
How to dump (or encode, serialize) a Python object into a JSON string using json.dumps()? The json.dumps() function allows you to dump (or encode, serialize) Python objects into JSON strings: json.dumps(obj, *, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=...
2018-10-13, 3168🔥, 0💬

Use Match Group \g&lt;n&gt; in Replacement
How to how to use matched string and groups in replacements with re.sub()? When calling the re.sub() function, you can use matched string and groups in replacements with the following escape sequences: \g&lt;0&gt; # represents the matched string \g&lt;1&gt; # represents the first gro...
2018-10-13, 2308🔥, 0💬

re.split() - Splits with Regular Expression
How to split a given string with a regular expression as the delimiter using re.split()? The re.split() function allows you to split a given target string using matches of a given regular expression as the delimiter. import re l = re.split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0, flags=0) Where: pattern is the ...
2018-10-13, 1795🔥, 0💬

'json' Module - JSON Encoder and Decoder
Where to find tutorials on Python "json" Module? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Python "json" Module. What Is Python Module 'json' json.dumps() - Dumping Object into JSON Generating JSON Strings in Pretty Format Dumping JSON Ou...
2018-10-13, 1385🔥, 0💬

What Is Python Module 'json'
What Is Python module "json"? "json" is a Python internal module that allows to encode and code JSON strings. Here are some important properties and functions provided by the "json" module: &gt;&gt;&gt; import json &gt;&gt;&gt; json.dumps() # serializes a given object into a ...
2018-10-13, 1189🔥, 0💬

Extending json.JSONEncoder Class
How to extend json.JSONEncoder class? I want to encode other Python data types to JSON. If you encode your own data types to JSON strings, you need to extend the json.JSONEncoder class and override the default() function. The following Python example shows you how to extend json.JSONEncoder class to...
2018-10-08, 4020🔥, 0💬

json.loads() - Loading JSON into Object
How to load (or decode, deserialize) a JSON string into a Python object using json.loads()? The json.loads() function allows you to load (or decode, deserialize) JSON strings (str, bytes or bytearray types) into Pythong objects: json.loads(s, *, encoding=None, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float...
2018-10-08, 2565🔥, 0💬

What Is json.JSONEncoder Class
What Is json.JSONEncoder Class? json.JSONEncoder class is the underlying class that supports json.dumps() functions. The following Python example shows you how to use json.JSONEncoder class to perform the same JSON encoding job as json.dumps function: &gt;&gt;&gt; import json &gt;&am...
2018-10-08, 2063🔥, 0💬

Dumping JSON Output to File
How to dump (or encode, serialize) a Python object into file or an output stream as a JSON string using json.dump()? json.dump(o,fp,...) function performs the same job as json.dumps(o,...) except that it directs the JSON string to the output stream of a given file pointer. Here is a Python example t...
2018-10-08, 1398🔥, 0💬

Generating JSON Strings in Pretty Format
How to generate JSON strings in pretty format using json.dumps()? You can control the JSON output string format with "indent", "separators" and "sort_keys" arguments of the json.dumps() function: Here is a Python example that generates a pretty formatted JSON string with property keys sorted: &g...
2018-10-08, 1342🔥, 0💬

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