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re.match() - Match from String Beginning
How to match the beginning part of a target string with a regular expression using re.match()?
The re.match() function allows you to match the beginning part of a target string with of a given regular expression.
import re m = re.match(pattern, string, flags=0) Where: pattern is the regular expression string is the target string m is None or a Match object
If the beginning part of the string matches the regular expression, m is the Match object representing the match result.
The behavior of re.match() is the same as except that the match must start from the beginning of the target string.
Here is Python example that shows you how to use the re.findall() function:
>>> import re >>> s = "Hello,, and!" >>> p = "(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)" >>> print(p) (\w+)\.(\w+) >>> m = re.match(p,s) >>> print(m) None >>> p = "[^ ]+ (\\w+)\\.(\\w+)" >>> print(p) [^ ]+ (\w+)\.(\w+) >>> m = re.match(p,s) >>> print(m) <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 14), match='Hello'> >>> 'Hello' >>> m.groups() ('perl', 'org')
⇒ re.sub() - Substitute Matches with String
⇐ re.findall() - Find All Matches
2018-10-19, 1791🔥, 0💬
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