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Hello-3.1.epub - Navigation File: navigation.xhtml
How to create a navigation file like navigation.xhtml for an EPUB 3.1 book? At least one navigation file, like navigation.xhtml, is required for an EPUB 3.1 book in the book ZIP container. It provides navigation information like a table of contents of the book. Here is the requirement on a navigatio...
2021-08-11, 1829🔥, 0💬

Hello-3.1.epub - Content File: content.xhtml
How to create a content file like content.xhtml for an EPUB 3.1 book? At least one content file, like content.xhtml, is required for an EPUB 3.1 book in the book ZIP container. It provides the content of the book. Here is the requirement on a content file: 1. A content file must be named with .xhtml...
2021-08-11, 1814🔥, 0💬

Components Involved in OpenID Connect Authentication
What are components involved in OpenID Connect authentication flows? There are 4 components involved in a typical OpenID Connect authentication flow: 1. OpenID Provider (OP) - The OpenID Connect authentication service provider, who provides services to authenticate the end user. For example, Microso...
2021-08-11, 1281🔥, 0💬

What Are Authentication Flows
What are authentication flows specified in OpenID Connect? OpenID Connect supports 3 authentication data flows: 1. Authorization Code Flow - The Authorization Code Flow is more complex to implement. But it is more secure. In the Authorization Code Flow, only a short authorization code is returned to...
2021-08-11, 1266🔥, 0💬

OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow
What is the authentication code flow specified in OpenID Connect? The Authorization Code Flow is most secure authentication flow specified in OpenID Connect. Here are the steps of the Authorization Code flow given in the OpenID Connect 1.0 specification: Rely Party prepares an authentication request...
2021-08-11, 1192🔥, 0💬

JSON Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) text string format? I want to know how to use JSON. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about JSON text string format: Introduction of JSON What Is JSON? JSON Tex...
2021-08-04, 5978🔥, 1💬

JSON-stringify.html - JSON.stringify() Example Code
Where to get a JSON.stringify() Example Code in JavaScript? Here is a good JSON.stringify() example code in JavaScript. &lt;!-- JSON-stringify.html Copyright (c) FYIcenter.com --&gt; &lt;html&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt; var str1 = JSON.strin...
2021-08-04, 3796🔥, 1💬

JSON to XML Conversion at utilities-online.info
How to use the JSON to XML Conversion Tool at utilities-online.info? If you want to try the JSON to XML Conversion Tool at utilities-online.info, you can follow this tutorial: 1. Go to the JSON and XML Conversion Tool page at utilities-online.info. 2. Enter the following JSON value in the JSON text ...
2021-08-04, 3137🔥, 1💬

json_decode() - JSON Array to PHP Array
How to access elements from the PHP array returned from json_decode() on a JSON array? By default, json_decode() will convert a JSON Array to a PHP array with integer indexes of 0, 1, 2, ... There are different ways to access elements in the output PHP array: $array[i] - Returns the element of the g...
2021-08-04, 2716🔥, 1💬

JSON to XML Conversion at freeformatter.com
How to use the JSON to XML Conversion Tool at freeformatter.com? If you want to try the JSON to XML Conversion Tool at freeformatter.com, you can follow this tutorial: 1. Go to the JSON to XML Conversion Tool page at freeformatter.com. 2. Enter the following JSON value in the text area: ["Hello", 3....
2021-08-04, 3374🔥, 1💬

CTO Language Statements
What are Business Network Model CTO Language Statements? Business Network Model CTO language supports 8 types of statements. namespace - The "namespace" statement declares a namespace as the prefix for all data types defined in this CTO file. The "namespace" statement has the same syntax as the "nam...
2021-08-04, 996🔥, 1💬

What Is CTO Modeling Language
What is Business Network CTO Modeling Language? Business Network CTO Modeling Language is a special data modeling language to define complex data types from primitive data types. CTO source code can be stored in a single or multiple files with the *.cto file extension. Each CTO source code file shou...
2021-08-01, 1345🔥, 0💬

"participant" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "participant" CTO Statement The "participant" CTO statement declares a participant data type to represent someone who can interact with the business network under access control rules. Here is the syntax of a "participant" statement: [abstract] participant type_name [identi...
2021-08-01, 925🔥, 0💬

"asset" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "asset" CTO Statement The "asset" statement declares a generic data type to represent primary data entities that can be referenced with their unique IDs. Here is the syntax of an "asset" statement: [abstract] asset type_name [identified by id_name] | [extends super_type] { ...
2021-08-01, 971🔥, 0💬

"transaction" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "transaction" CTO Statement The "transaction" statement declares the input message structure of a transaction type, which can be submitted to the business network for processing. Here is the syntax of an "transaction" statement: transaction type_name [extends super_type] { ...
2021-08-01, 909🔥, 0💬

id_token Online Decode Tool
Is there any online tool to decode an id_token string? There are several good online tools you can use to decode an id_token string. For example, go to jwt.io . Copy and paste your id_token string in the input box on left, for example: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6Ik pXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiSm9lIERvZSIsIm...
2021-06-20, 2443🔥, 0💬

Get Application ID from Azure AD
How to register and get an application ID from Azure AD? The first step to use Azure AD is to register and get an Application ID: 1. Sign in to the Azure portal with admin permissions. 2. Click "Azure Active Directory" from the left menu. And select one Azure AD service like "default directory", if ...
2021-06-20, 5473🔥, 0💬

Integration with Azure Active Directory
Where to find tutorials on Integration with Azure Active Directory. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Integration with Azure Active Directory. What Is Azure Active Directory Azure AD, B2B and B2C Get Application ID from Azure AD A...
2021-06-20, 1390🔥, 0💬

Azure AD, B2B and B2C
What are differences between Azure AD, B2B and B2C? Azure AD actually offers 3 different services: Azure AD - Provide authentication services to users in your own organization. Azure AD B2B - Provide authentication services to users in your own organizations and your external partner organizations. ...
2021-06-20, 1310🔥, 0💬

What Is Azure Active Directory
What Is Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)? Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft's multi-tenant, cloud-based directory, and identity management service. Azure AD combines core directory services, application access management, and identity protection in a single solution, offering a standar...
2021-06-20, 1156🔥, 0💬

"concept" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "concept" CTO Statement The "concept" statement declares a generic data type to represent secondary data entities to support primary data entities. Here is the syntax of an "concept" statement: concept type_name [extends super_type] { o|--&gt; property_type property_nam...
2021-06-19, 935🔥, 0💬

"enum" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "enum" CTO Statement The "enum" statement declares an enumeration data type to represent data values with predefined options. Here is the syntax of an "enum" statement: enum type_name [extends super_type] { o value_option ... } Syntax elements used in a "transaction" CTO St...
2021-06-19, 920🔥, 0💬

Business Network JS Scripting Language
Where to find tutorials on Business Network JS Scripting Language. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Business Network JS Scripting Language. What Is JS Scripting Language "transaction" Process Function Syntax "transaction" Data Ty...
2021-06-19, 905🔥, 0💬

CTO Language Primitive Data Types
What are CTO Language Primitive Data Types? CTO Language Primitive Data Types built-in system data types that you can use them to build new data types Currently, there are 6 primitive data types supported: String - Represets a string of Unicode characters. Double - Represets a double precision (64-b...
2021-06-19, 878🔥, 0💬

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