<< < 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 > >>   ∑:1482  Sort:Rank

Hyperledger Composer Access Query File
What Is Hyperledger Composer Query File (*.qry)? A Hyperledger Composer Query file is a source code file that define queries to retrieve business objects from the Business Network. A access control file uses the Query language and the .qry file extension. Here is an example of an query file from the...
2020-11-22, 894🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Model File
What Is Hyperledger Composer Model File (*.cto)? A Hyperledger Composer model file is a source code file that define business object types used in a business network: Participants, Assets, Transactions and Events. A model file uses the CTO modeling language and the .cto file extension. Here is an ex...
2020-11-22, 891🔥, 0💬

Build Hyperledger Fabric from Source Code
How to Build Hyperledger Fabric from source code on Ubuntu? You can follow this tutorial to Build Hyperledger Fabric binary code from source code on Ubuntu. $ export GOPATH=$HOME/go $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperle dger/fabric$ make dist-clean all ...You can take a coffee break, because it may ta...
2020-11-11, 2179🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Fabric Environment Requirement
What are requirements for installing a Hyperledger Fabric development environment? Here are requirements for installing a Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 development environment: Operating System - Ubuntu Linux 14.04 / 16.04 LTS, or Mac OS 10.12. Git Client - Version 2.9 or higher. Git client allows you to d...
2020-11-11, 1181🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Fabric Environment on Ubuntu
Where to find tutorials on Hyperledger Fabric Environment on Ubuntu? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Hyperledger Fabric Environment on Ubuntu. Hyperledger Fabric Environment Requirement Install Hyperledger Fabric Prerequisites o...
2020-11-11, 1171🔥, 0💬

Install Hyperledger Fabric Prerequisites on Ubuntu
How to install Hyperledger Fabric Prerequisites on Ubuntu? You can follow this tutorial to install Hyperledger Composer Prerequisites on Ubuntu: 1. Verify your Ubuntu version: $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Release: 18.04 Codenam...
2020-11-11, 1151🔥, 0💬

BYFN Containers Running on Docker
What BYFN (Build Your First Network) containers are running on Docker Engine? Once your BYFN is deployed and executed on the Docker Engine, there will be 9 containers running on the Docker Engine: $ cd hyperledger-binaries/fabric-sa mples/first-network$ ./byfn.sh up ... $ docker ps IMAGE COMMAND NAM...
2020-11-11, 1090🔥, 0💬

"cryptogen" Command - Generate Keys and Certificates
How to run "cryptogen" command to generate private keys and public certificates to support organizations and users needed for BYFN (Build Your First Network)? You can follow this tutorial to run "cryptogen" command to generate private keys and public certificates to support organizations and users n...
2020-10-26, 1319🔥, 0💬

BYFN crypto-config.yaml Configuration File
What is the crypto-config.yaml Configuration File used in BYFN (Build Your First Network)? The crypto-config.yaml Configuration File provides settings on how to generate private keys and public certificates for network entities: order and peer organizations. Here is the default copy of crypto-config...
2020-10-26, 1202🔥, 0💬

BYFN configtx.yaml Configuration File
What is the configtx.yaml Configuration File used in BYFN (Build Your First Network)? The configtx.yaml Configuration File provides settings on how the BYFN network should be created. Here is the default copy of crypto-config.yaml provided in BYFN: # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. --- ####...
2020-10-26, 967🔥, 0💬

Build the BYFN Network Manually
How to build the BYFN (Build Your First Network) manually? You build the BYFN network automatically with the "./byfn.sh up" script command. But if you want to learn how to build it manually, you need to complete the following steps: 1. Review and revise crypto-config.yaml configuration file, which c...
2020-10-26, 966🔥, 0💬

"docker-compose up" Command - Start the Network
How to run "docker-compose up" command to deploy and start containers to run BYFN (Build Your First Network)? You can follow this tutorial to run "docker-compose up" command to deploy and start containers to run BYFN. $ cd hyperledger-binaries/fabric-sa mples/first-network$ docker-compose -f docker-...
2020-10-20, 1519🔥, 0💬

"configtxgen" Command - Build genesis.block
How to run "configtxgen" command to build the orderer genesis block for BYFN (Build Your First Network)? You can follow this tutorial to run "configtxgen" command to build Orderer Genesis Block for BYFN. The "configtxgen" command file is located in the ../bin directory. It takes the configtx.yaml fi...
2020-10-20, 1296🔥, 0💬

"configtxgen" Command - Build channel.tx
How to run "configtxgen" command to build a transaction message to create the channel in BYFN (Build Your First Network)? You can follow this tutorial to run "configtxgen" command to build a transaction message to create the channel in BYFN. The "configtxgen" command file is located in the ../bin di...
2020-10-20, 1151🔥, 0💬

"configtxgen" Command - Build *MSPanchors.tx
How to run "configtxgen" command to build a transaction message to define the anchor peer in each organization in BYFN (Build Your First Network)? You can follow this tutorial to run "configtxgen" command to build a transaction message to define the anchor peer in each organization in BYFN. The "con...
2020-10-20, 998🔥, 0💬

BYFN docker-compose-cli.yaml Configuration File
What is the docker-compose-cli.yaml Configuration File used in BYFN (Build Your First Network)? The docker-compose-cli.yaml Configuration File provides settings on Docker containers to run the BYFN network. Here is the default copy of docker-compose-cli.yaml provided in BYFN: # SPDX-License-Identifi...
2020-10-20, 983🔥, 0💬

BYFN Error - "unable to bootstrap orderer"
Why am I getting the "panic: unable to bootstrap orderer. Error reading genesis block file: read /var/hyperledger/orderer/order er.genesis.block:is a directory" error? When you build and deploy your BYFN network manually, you may end up missing the genesis.block file. Try to run the "docker-compose ...
2020-10-10, 1937🔥, 0💬

BYFN CLI Container "peer" Command
What is the BYFN (Build Your First Network) CLI Container "peer" Command? If you have the BYFN CLI container running, you can use it to run the "peer" command to manage your BYFN network. 1. Start the CLI container and connect to it: $ docker start cli cli $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# 2. Run...
2020-10-10, 1565🔥, 0💬

"docker exec -it cli bash" - BYFN CLI Shell
How to run "docker exec -it cli bash" command to run a shell script window in the BYFN (Build Your First Network) CLI Docker Container? The BYFN (Build Your First Network) CLI Docker Container is a command line service door to manage your BYFN network. You can run it and connect to it as shell scrip...
2020-10-10, 1164🔥, 0💬

"docker start/stop" - Start and Stop Docker Containers
How to run "docker start/stop" - Start and Stop Docker Containers for BYFN (Build Your First Network)? If you have your BYFN Docker containers deployed to the Docker Engine, you can use the "docker start/stop" command to manage them. 1. Look at the status of all deployed Docker containers: $ docker ...
2020-10-10, 1067🔥, 0💬

BYFN CLI Container Missing Admin Certificates
How to fix the ".../org1.example.com/users/Ad min@org1.example.com/mspdoes not exist" when running the BYFN CLI "peer" command? When you build your BYFN network manually, you may end up missing admin user certificate on the CLI Docker container. 1. Check the certificate directory for the org1.exampl...
2020-10-10, 963🔥, 0💬

Invoke Chaincode Transaction on BYFN Channel
How to Invoke Chaincode Transaction on BYFN Channel? An instance of a chaincode can be viewed as an object of a class in an execution environment. It can hold transaction operations to manage its properties. You can run the "peer chaincode invoke" command to invoke the "Invoke" operation of a given ...
2020-09-30, 1098🔥, 0💬

Query Chaincode Property on BYFN Channel
How to Query Chaincode Property on BYFN Channel? An instance of a chaincode can be viewed as an object of a class in an execution environment. It can hold properties. You can run the "peer chaincode query" command to query the current value of a given property of a given chaincode instance. 1. Verif...
2020-09-30, 1035🔥, 0💬

CORE_PEER_* Environment Variables on BYFN CLI
What is the default peer and how to change it on the BYFN CLI container? On the BYFN CLI container, you can manage other peer nodes with the "peer" command. When you run a "peer" command, it will connect to the default peer node define by these environment variables: CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0.org1.e xa...
2020-09-30, 1030🔥, 0💬

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