Basic Sample Business Network - SampleEvent


How to view SampleEvent emitted from Basic Sample Business Network?



You can follow this tutorial to view SampleEvent emitted from Basic Sample Business Network.

Since SampleEvent is generated by the SampleTransaction process, it is recorded as a child object to the SampleTransaction record.

1. Open Hyperledger Composer Playground and go to Basic Sample Business Network home page, as shown in the previous tutorial.

2. Click "Test" tab. You see the test home page.

3. Click "All Transactions" in the TRANSACTIONS section on the left. You see a list of all transactions performed on the Basic Sample Business Network.

4. Click "View Record" of the last "SampleTransaction" record. You see the transaction processed previously:

{"$class": "org.example.basic.SampleTransaction",
 "asset": "resource:org.example.basic.SampleAsset#1st_Asset",
 "newValue": "100009.99",
 "transactionId": "8effbfc1-1374-4080-9baf-5d9797ab00d7",
 "timestamp": "2019-03-23T20:03:02.556Z"

5. Click "Event" tab. You see the of SampleEvent object generated from this transaction.

6. Click the expand icon. You see the SampleEvent JSON message:

{"$class": "org.example.basic.SampleEvent",
 "asset": "resource:org.example.basic.SampleAsset#1st_Asset",
 "oldValue": "100000.99",
 "newValue": "100009.99",
 "eventId": "d28c12db-1db1-4896-9999-327f5b56bb41#0",
 "timestamp": "2019-03-23T20:41:02.930Z"

Basic Sample Business Network - SampleEvent


⇒ Modify Business Network in Playground

⇐ Basic Sample Business Network - SampleTransaction

⇑ Hyperledger Composer Playground

⇑⇑ Hyperledger Composer Tutorials

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