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What Is Basic Sample Business Network
What is Basic Sample Business Network?
Basic Sample Business Network is the "Hello World" of Hyperledger Composer samples, which demonstrates the core functionality of Hyperledger Composer by changing the value of an asset.
Basic Sample Business Network supports the following business object types:
SampleParticipant - A participant object type representing a user who owns one or more SampleAsset objects. For example, the following JSON message represents SampleParticipant object:
{ "$class": "org.example.basic.SampleParticipant", "participantId": "Toby", "firstName": "Tobias", "lastName": "Hunter" }
SampleAsset - An asset object type representing something that has given value for the owner SampleParticipant object. For example, the following JSON message represents SampleAsset object:
{ "$class": "org.example.basic.SampleAsset", "assetId": "1st_Asset", "owner": "resource:org.example.basic.SampleParticipant#Toby", "value": "100000.99" }
SampleTransaction - A transaction object type representing an action to update the value of a given SampleAsset object. When the action is completed, a SampleEvent object will be published. For example, the following JSON message represents SampleTransaction object:
{ "$class": "org.example.basic.SampleTransaction", "asset": "resource:org.example.basic.SampleAsset#1st_Asset", "newValue": "100009.99" }
SampleEvent - An event object type representing an event where the value of a SampleAsset object has been updated. For example, the following JSON message represents SampleTransaction object:
{"$class": "org.example.basic.SampleEvent", "asset": "resource:org.example.basic.SampleAsset#1st_Asset", "oldValue": "100000.99", "newValue": "100009.99", "eventId": "d28c12db-1db1-4896-9999-327f5b56bb41#0", "timestamp": "2019-03-23T20:41:02.930Z" }
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