Basic Sample Business Network - SampleParticipant


How to add new SampleParticipant records in Basic Sample Business Network?



You can follow this tutorial to add new SampleParticipant records in Basic Sample Business Network.

1. Open Hyperledger Composer Playground and go to Basic Sample Business Network home page, as shown in the previous tutorial.

2. Click "Test" tab. You see the test home page.

3. Click "SampleParticipant" in the PARTICIPANTS section on the left. You see a list of SampleParticipant records.

4. Click "+Create New Participant" on the top right corner. You see the input form to create new participant.

5. Copy and paste the following JSON message:

{ "$class": "org.example.basic.SampleParticipant",
  "participantId": "Toby",
  "firstName": "Tobias",
  "lastName": "Hunter"

6. Click "Create New". You see a new SampleParticipant record in Basic Sample Business Network.

Basic Sample Business Network - SampleParticipant


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