HTML Lists and List Items


Where to find tutorials of introduction to HTML Lists and List Items?



Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by team in introduction to HTML Lists and List Items. Clear answers are provided with tutorial examples on list elements for ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists; creating nested lists; including multiple paragraphs in one list item; changing list item markers.

What Are HTML List Elements

HTML Ordered List 'ol' Tag/Element

HTML List Item 'li' Tag/Element

Multiple Paragraphs in an HTML List Item

HTML Un-ordered List 'ul' Tag/Element

HTML Definition List 'dl' Tag/Element

HTML Nested List Elements

HTML Ordered List Item Markers

HTML Un-ordered List Item Markers


What Are HTML List Elements

Creating an HTML Link to Open a Document in New Window

⇑⇑ HTML Tutorials

2017-06-16, 1561🔥, 0💬