"crypto-config.yaml" Environment Configuration File


What is the "crypto-config.yaml" Environment Configuration File?

✍: FYIcenter.com


"crypto-config.yaml" is a Configuration File used to control the Hyplerledger Composer development environment. It is located in the "composer" sub-directory:

$ cd fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scripts/hlfv12/composer
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter  378 Sep 29  2018 composer-channel.tx
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter 6338 Sep 29  2018 composer-genesis.block
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter 4504 Sep 29  2018 configtx.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 4 fyicenter 4096 Apr  1 01:59 crypto-config
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter 3554 Sep 29  2018 crypto-config.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter 2769 Oct 12 22:00 docker-compose-dev.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter 2726 Oct 12 21:59 docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter  869 Sep 29  2018 howtobuild.txt

$ more crypto-config.yaml
# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "OrdererOrgs" - Definition of organizations managing orderer nodes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Orderer
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - Name: Orderer
    Domain: example.com
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Specs" - See PeerOrgs below for complete description
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      - Hostname: orderer
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "PeerOrgs" - Definition of organizations managing peer nodes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Org1
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - Name: Org1
    Domain: org1.example.com
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Specs"
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Uncomment this section to enable the explicit definition of hosts in your
    # configuration.  Most users will want to use Template, below
    # Specs is an array of Spec entries.  Each Spec entry consists of two fields
    #   - Hostname:   (Required) The desired hostname, sans the domain.
    #   - CommonName: (Optional) Specifies the template or explicit override for
    #                 the CN.  By default, this is the template:
    #                              "{{.Hostname}}.{{.Domain}}"
    #                 which obtains its values from the Spec.Hostname and
    #                 Org.Domain, respectively.
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Specs:
    #   - Hostname: foo # implicitly "foo.org1.example.com"
    #     CommonName: foo27.org5.example.com # overrides Hostname-based FQDN set
    #   - Hostname: bar
    #   - Hostname: baz
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Template"
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Allows for the definition of 1 or more hosts that are created sequentially
    # from a template. By default, this looks like "peer%d" from 0 to Count-1.
    # You may override the number of nodes (Count), the starting index (Start)
    # or the template used to construct the name (Hostname).
    # Note: Template and Specs are not mutually exclusive.  You may define both
    # sections and the aggregate nodes will be created for you.  Take care with
    # name collisions
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Count: 1
      # Start: 5
      # Hostname: {{.Prefix}}{{.Index}} # default
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Users"
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Count: The number of user accounts _in addition_ to Admin
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Count: 0

""crypto-config.yaml" basically defines a single organization that runs the peer nodes on this Hyperledger Fabric environment.


⇒ "configtx.yaml" Environment Configuration File

⇐ Versions of Hyplerledger Composer Environment

⇑ Explorer Hyplerledger Composer Environment

⇑⇑ Hyperledger Composer Tutorials

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