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Hyperledger Composer Access Query File
What Is Hyperledger Composer Query File (*.qry)?
A Hyperledger Composer Query file is a source code file that define queries to retrieve business objects from the Business Network.
A access control file uses the Query language and the .qry file extension. Here is an example of an query file from the Fund Clearing Network, queries.qry:
/** * Queries for Fund Clearing */ query TransferRequestsByBankInState { description: "Select all TransferRequests for a participating bank in a given state" statement: SELECT org.clearing.TransferRequest WHERE (fromBank == _$bank) } query TransferRequestsByBanksInState { description: "Select all TransferRequests for a participating bank in a given state" statement: SELECT org.clearing.TransferRequest WHERE ((fromBank == _$bank1 AND toBank == _$bank2 AND state == _$state) OR (fromBank == _$bank2 AND toBank == _$bank1 AND state == _$state)) } query BatchTransferRequestById { description: "Select a BatchTransferRequest by the UUID" statement: SELECT org.clearing.BatchTransferRequest WHERE (_$batchId == batchId) } query BatchTransferRequestsByBankInState { description: "Select all BatchTransferRequests in a given state for a participating bank" statement: SELECT org.clearing.BatchTransferRequest WHERE ((parties CONTAINS _$party) AND (state == _$state)) } query BatchTransferRequestForBanksInState { description: "Select all BatchTransferRequests in a given state for two participating banks" statement: SELECT org.clearing.BatchTransferRequest WHERE ((parties CONTAINS [_$bank1, _$bank2]) AND (state == _$state)) }
⇒ Business Network Archive (BNA) File
⇠Hyperledger Composer Access Control File
2020-11-22, 957🔥, 0💬
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