<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>   ∑:267  Sort:Rank

Uninstall Chaincode on BYFN Peers
How to uninstall chaincodes on BYFN Peers? Unfortunately, the BYFN CLI "peer chaincode" command does offer any option to uninstall chaincodes from a given peer. You have two options when your chaincodes from different peers are out of sync or incompatible: 1. Destroy chaincode instance and re-instal...
2020-09-15, 1059🔥, 0💬

BYFN Chaincode Docker Container
What is the BYFN chaincode Docker container? The BYFN chaincode Docker container represents the running instance of the "mycc" chaincode. When "mycc" chaincode is instantiated from peer0.org1, a chaincode Docker container (shim) is deployed and started on the Docker engine. You can find chaincode co...
2020-09-15, 1037🔥, 0💬

BYFN CLI "peer" Command Prefix
How to use BYFN CLI "peer" Command Prefix? By default, when you run the "peer" command on the BYFN CLI container, it will be executed again the default peer node specified by 4 environment variables: CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/g opath/.../org1.example.com/use rs/Admin@org1.example.com/mspCORE_PEER_...
2020-09-15, 992🔥, 0💬

Incompatible Chaincode on BYFN Peers
How to list installed and instantiated chaincodes on BYFN Peers? You can follow this tutorial to list and review installed and instantiated chaincodes on peer nodes of your BYFN network. 1. Connect to the BYFN CLI container and check the default peer: $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# echo $CORE_...
2020-09-15, 934🔥, 0💬

Upgrade Chaincode Instance on BYFN
How to upgrade chaincode instance on BYFN? You can follow this tutorial to upgrade the chaincode instance on BYFN. You can use this process to fix any issues with chaincode instance without destroy its data. 1. Install new version, 2.0, of the chaincode on the default peer, peer0.org1. bash-4.4# ech...
2020-09-12, 1031🔥, 1💬

"peer chaincode invoke" on BYFN
How to run "peer chaincode invoke" to invoke the transaction on the chaincode instance? After a chaincode in properly installed on all peers and instantiated on the channel, you can run the "peer chaincode invoke" to invoke the transaction on the chaincode instance. 1. Verify instantiated chaincode:...
2020-08-13, 1088🔥, 0💬

Remove Older Versions Chaincode Containers
How to Remove Older Versions Chaincode Containers after the chaincode instance is upgraded? After a chaincode instance is upgraded, chaincode containers of the old version are still running on the Docker Engine. You can follow this tutorial to remove them. 1. List all chaincode containers: $ docker ...
2020-08-13, 1083🔥, 0💬

View Channel Blockchain and Download Blocks
How to View Blockchain and Download Blocks of a Hyperledger Fabric Channel? You can follow this tutorial to View Blockchain and Download Blocks of a Hyperledger Fabric Channel. 1. Connect to the CLI container of the Hyperledger Fabric network: $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# 2. List channels jo...
2020-08-13, 977🔥, 0💬

Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain
How to Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain? You can follow this tutorial to Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain. 1. Connect to the CLI container of the Hyperledger Fabric network: $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# 2. Download (fetch) the newest block from "mychannel" cha...
2020-08-13, 917🔥, 0💬

"composer card" Commands
What can I do with "composer card" command? "composer card" commands are part of the Composer CLI command set. It allows you to manage access cards stored in the Composer Wallet, which is located at "~/.composer/cards" directory. Here is the syntax of the "composer card" commands: $ composer card he...
2020-07-22, 1144🔥, 0💬

"configtx.yaml" Environment Configuration File
What is the "configtx.yaml" Environment Configuration File? "configtx.yaml" is a Configuration File used to control the Hyplerledger Composer development environment. It is located in the "composer" sub-directory: $ cd fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scri pts/hlfv12/composer$ ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 fyicenter ...
2020-07-22, 1052🔥, 0💬

"crypto-config.yaml" Environment Configuration File
What is the "crypto-config.yaml" Environment Configuration File? "crypto-config.yaml" is a Configuration File used to control the Hyplerledger Composer development environment. It is located in the "composer" sub-directory: $ cd fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scri pts/hlfv12/composer$ ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 ...
2020-07-22, 979🔥, 0💬

Explorer Hyplerledger Composer Environment
Where to find tutorials on Explorering Hyplerledger Composer Environment on Ubuntu. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Explorering Hyplerledger Composer Environment on Ubuntu. Control Hyplerledger Composer Environment Versions of H...
2020-07-22, 890🔥, 0💬

Control Hyplerledger Composer Environment
What are the command scripts to control my Hyplerledger Composer development environment? If you have installed your Hyplerledger Composer development environment, with the fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz package, you have the following shell command scripts to control the envrionment: 1. ~/fabric-dev-ser...
2020-07-22, 884🔥, 0💬

Versions of Hyplerledger Composer Environment
How many versions do I have with my Hyplerledger Composer development environment? The installation package fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz actually provides 3 versions of Hyplerledger Composer development environment. You can them in the "fabric-scripts" sub-directory: $ cd fabric-dev-servers $ ls -l fab...
2020-07-22, 818🔥, 0💬

Create "PeerAdmin@hlfv1" Card Manually
How to create the "PeerAdmin@hlfv1" card manually? If you don't want to use the "createPeerAdminCard.sh" script to create the "PeerAdmin@hlfv1" card automatically, you can follow this tutorial to create it manually. 1. Create connection profile "connection.json": $ mkdir ~/card $ cd ~/card $ vi conn...
2020-07-14, 1186🔥, 0💬

"PeerAdmin@hlfv1" - Peer Admin Access Card
What is Peer Admin Access Card "PeerAdmin@hlfv1"? "PeerAdmin@hlfv1" is a special Business Network Card that has special permission to deploy new Business Network to the peer node, "peer0.org1.example.com" in your Hyperledger Composer Developer Environment? "PeerAdmin@hlfv1" card can be created with ...
2020-07-14, 1056🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Environment Channels
What Channels are included in my Hyperledger Composer Environment? In the fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz package, only one channel, "composerchannel", is created in the Hyperledger Composer Developer Environment. The peer node peer0.org1.example.com has been configured to this channel. You can only deplo...
2020-07-14, 959🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Environment Components
What components are included in my Hyperledger Composer Environment? The fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz package provides the 4 components running as Docker containers to form your Hyperledger Composer Environment. You can identify Hyperledger Composer by their container names from the output of the "dock...
2020-07-14, 908🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Environment Orgs and Users
What Orgs and Users are included in my Hyperledger Composer Environment? The fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz package includes two default organizations and one admin user for each organization: org1.example.com - "org1.example.com" is the organization owns the peer node "peer0.org1.example.com". "org1.exa...
2020-07-14, 855🔥, 0💬

Watch "orderer" Container Log
How to watch the log file of the "orderer" Container? The "orderer" Container plays an important role in a Hyperledger Fabric network. You can follow this tutorial to watch its log file: 1. Set up a new terminal on the hosting system to follow the log file of the "orderer" container: $ docker logs -...
2020-07-07, 1467🔥, 0💬

Types of Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers
How many types of Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers are there? In a typical Hyperledger Fabric network (using goleveldb instead of couchdb), you will have 4 types containers running on the Docker Engine: 1. Orderer container - In a simple Hyperledger Fabric network, there is only one Orderer cont...
2020-07-07, 1161🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers
Where to find tutorials on Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Hyperledger Fabric Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers. Types of Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers Watch "orderer" Container Lo...
2020-07-07, 1161🔥, 2💬

Watch Peer Container Log
How to watch the log file of Peer Container Log? You can follow this tutorial to watch the log file of a peer container: 1. Set up a new terminal on the hosting system to follow the log file of the "peer0.org1.example.com" container: $ docker logs --tail 10 -f peer0.org1.example.com [gossip.comm] fu...
2020-07-07, 1056🔥, 0💬

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