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BYFN Chaincode - chaincode_example02.go
What is the chaincode in Golang used in BYFN (Build Your First Network)? The chaincode in Golang used in BYFN (Build Your First Network) is located in the chaincode_example02.go file and located in hyperledger-binaries/fabric-sa mples/chaincode/chaincode_exam ple02/go/directory: $ cd hyperledger-bina...
2019-04-13, 1199🔥, 0💬

What Is Ledger Peer Operation RESTful API
What is Ledger Peer Operation RESTful API? Ledger Peer Operation RESTful API is RESTful Web service provided by a ledger peer. It is different than and separated from the primary ledger Web service provided by the ledger peer. Ledger Peer Operation RESTful API exposes the following functionalities: ...
2019-04-11, 1003🔥, 0💬

Turn on Ledger Peer Operation RESTful API
How to Turn on Ledger Peer Operation RESTful API? You can follow this tutorial to Turn on Ledger Peer Operation RESTful API. 1. Update Docker Compose YAML file, docker-compose-peer.yaml to override the "operations" settings: $ cd fabric-peer $ vi docker-compose-peer.yaml # Copyright (c) FYIcenter.co...
2019-02-09, 963🔥, 0💬

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