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Differences of evaluateTransaction() and submitTransaction()
What are the differences of Differences of evaluateTransaction() and submitTransaction() of the fabric-network.Contract class? Here are the Differences of evaluateTransaction() and submitTransaction() of the fabric-network.Contract class: evaluateTransaction() method - Calls the given transaction fu...
2019-04-22, 6098🔥, 0💬

Instantiate Chaincode on BYFN Channel
How to Instantiate Chaincode on BYFN Channel? You can follow this tutorial to Instantiate Chaincode on BYFN Channel manually. 1. Verify the installed chaincode: $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# echo $CORE_PEER_ADDRESS peer0.org2.example.com:7051 bash-4.4# peer chaincode list --installed Get inst...
2019-04-14, 5593🔥, 0💬

Reinstall npm with Node Version Manager
How to reinstall npm with a node version manager? I am getting permission errors with the current version of npm. If you are get directory and file permission error when using the "npm install" command, you should follow this tutorial to reinstall "node" and "npm" with the "nvm" Node Version Manager...
2020-01-04, 5358🔥, 0💬

"could not load a valid signer certificate" Error
How to troubleshoot the Orderer peer? The Docker container terminated by itself. You can follow this tutorial to troubleshoot the Orderer peer. 1. Check the log file of the Orderer peer: $ docker logs --tail 10 orderer.example.com [localconfig] completeInitialization -> INFO 001 Kafka.Version...
2019-08-23, 3482🔥, 0💬

"Failed to load gRPC binary module" Error
Why am I getting the "Failed to load gRPC binary module" error when running a Node.js client application? If your Node.js environment is out of sync, you will get the "Failed to load gRPC binary module" error as shown below: $ cp ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples/fabcar/javascript$ node enrollA...
2020-01-04, 2662🔥, 0💬

"fabric-ca-client enroll" Error - "Failed to insert"
Why am I getting the "Certificate signing failure: Failed to insert record into database: attempt to write a readonly database" error, when running the "fabric-ca-client enroll" command? If the Fabric CA Server is not able to update its database, you will get the "Certificate signing failure: Failed...
2019-09-27, 2484🔥, 0💬

"fabric-ca-client identity list" - List Identities
How to List Identities with the "fabric-ca-client identity list" command? If you want get a list of identities from the Fabric CA Server, you can run the "fabric-ca-client identity list" command: $ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric -ca/native-client/admin$ ~/go/bin/fabric-ca-client identity list...
2019-09-27, 2274🔥, 0💬

Build Hyperledger Fabric from Source Code
How to Build Hyperledger Fabric from source code on Ubuntu? You can follow this tutorial to Build Hyperledger Fabric binary code from source code on Ubuntu. $ export GOPATH=$HOME/go $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperle dger/fabric$ make dist-clean all ...You can take a coffee break, because it may ta...
2020-11-11, 2179🔥, 0💬

BYFN (Build Your First Network)
Where to find tutorials on Hyperledger Fabric BYFN (Build Your First Network)? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Hyperledger Fabric BYFN (Build Your First Network). "first-network" - Building Your First Network "byfn.sh generate" ...
2020-05-15, 2058🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on Hyperledger? I want to know how to create Hyperledger applications. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about Hyperledger: Introduction to Hyperledger What Is Hyperledger What Is Blockchain What I...
2019-04-19, 2053🔥, 0💬

blockfile_000000 - Blockfiles of Blockchain
What is blockfile_000000 Blockfiles of Blockchain? Blocks of a blockchain are stored in physical files. Since they are very static once created, there is no need to store them in database. Hyperledger Fabric combines multiple blocks into a single blockfile, and stores it in the /var/hyperledger/prod...
2020-02-07, 2043🔥, 0💬

BYFN Error - "unable to bootstrap orderer"
Why am I getting the "panic: unable to bootstrap orderer. Error reading genesis block file: read /var/hyperledger/orderer/order er.genesis.block:is a directory" error? When you build and deploy your BYFN network manually, you may end up missing the genesis.block file. Try to run the "docker-compose ...
2020-10-10, 1937🔥, 0💬

"composer network start" Errors
Why am I getting errors when running the "composer network start" command? There are couple of reasons why you are getting errors when running the "composer network start" command to start business network. Error Example 1 - The business network NBA file was not deployed correctly, or has been remov...
2020-12-26, 1924🔥, 0💬

enrollAdmin.js - Enroll Admin to ca.example.com
What is the admin enrollment Node.js program enrollAdmin.js? Admin enrollment Node.js program enrollAdmin.js enrolls an user "admin" to ca.example.com. 1. View the enrollAdmin.js source code: $ cp ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples/fabcar/javascript$ more enrollAdmin.js /* * SPDX-License-Identif...
2020-01-04, 1905🔥, 0💬

register-user.js - Register New User
How to write a Node.js script to Register New Users to ca.example.com? If you are an administrator on ca.example.com, you can register other new users to ca.example.com. Here is sample Node.js script, register-user.js, that uses your "admin" identity from the local wallet to register a new user to o...
2019-04-22, 1867🔥, 0💬

Read Block Data in Blockchain
How to Read Block Data from a Blockchain? The block data from a blockchain uses a binary format. You need to use the "configtxgen -inspectBlock" command parse it to JSON format. 1. Get the newest block from the blockchain: $ docker exec -it cli bash root@262918fdcbc0:/opt/gopath/ src/github.com/hyper...
2020-02-20, 1860🔥, 0💬

Interact with "fabcar" Chaincode on CLI
How to Interact "fabcar" Chaincode on CLI? After you started the WYFA network properly, you will have the "fabcar" chaincode running on "mychannel" on the peer0.org1.example.com peer container. You can now interact with the "fabcar" chaincode from the CLI container as shown below. 1. Connect to CLI ...
2020-02-20, 1761🔥, 0💬

Start Hyperledger Composer Playground
How to Start the Hyperledger Composer Playground? You can follow this tutorial to start the Hyperledger Composer Playground. 1. Run Web browser and go to: composer-playground.mybluemix. net. You see the welcome page. 2. Click on "Let's Blockchain!". You see the playground home page. 3. Now you can s...
2021-12-28, 1723🔥, 0💬

What Is Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)
What is Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)? Fabric CA (Certificate Authority) is a component of Hyperledger Fabric platform that manages certificates for Hyperledger Fabric Network as a MSP (Membership Service Provider). Similar to a standard PKI CA server, Fabric CA provides features such as: Regist...
2024-05-11, 1707🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-05-11 69@~~linux-4131: Ok lmao

What Is basic-network Sample Network
What is basic-network Sample Network? basic-network is a Hyperledger Fabric network example included in the "Samples, Binaries and Docker Images" package. The basic-network Sample Network provides scripts and configuration files to create a simple Hyperledger Fabric network with a single organizatio...
2020-04-25, 1707🔥, 0💬

.js - Sign in to CA Server
How to write a Node.js script to sign in to the CA Server? Hyperledger Fabric network is permission based server application. All client applications must use an authenticated user identity to access the network. User authentication is controlled by the CA (Certificate Authority) server using PKI te...
2019-11-08, 1684🔥, 0💬

Update Anchor Peer of Each BYFN Organization
How to Update Anchor Peer of Each BYFN Organization? You can follow this tutorial to Update Anchor Peer of Each BYFN Organization. 1. Update the default peer as the anchor peer: bash-4.4# echo $CORE_PEER_ADDRESS peer0.org2.example.com:7051 bash-4.4# peer channel update -o orderer.example.com:7050 -c...
2019-04-13, 1672🔥, 0💬

Two-Organization Hyperledger Fabric Network
What is the simplest Hyperledger Fabric Network for two organizations? The simplest Hyperledger Fabric Network for two organizations consists of 3 systems: an orderer and a peer managed by first organization, and another peer managed by the second organization. If the second organization does not fu...
2020-01-29, 1662🔥, 0💬

Install Fabric CA Server and Client
How to install Fabric CA Server and Client binaries? You can follow this tutorial to install Fabric CA Server and Client binaries. 1. Install both the fabric-ca-server and fabric-ca-client binaries in $GOPATH/bin. $ go get -u github.com/hyperledger/fabric- ca/cmd/...$ cd $GOPATH $ ls -l ./bin -rwxrw...
2019-10-18, 1644🔥, 0💬

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