Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Control Hyplerledger Composer Environment
What are the command scripts to control my Hyplerledger Composer development environment?
If you have installed your Hyplerledger Composer development environment,
with the fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz package,
you have the following shell command scripts to control the envrionment:
1. ~/fabric-dev-servers/ - Shell script to download Hyplerledger Composer development environment. You only need to run this once.
2. ~/fabric-dev-servers/ - Shell script to start the environment on the Docker Engine. You can check the Docker Engine status with "docker info" command.
3. ~/fabric-dev-servers/ - Shell script to stop the environment on the Docker Engine.
4. ~/fabric-dev-servers/ - Shell script to remove all Hyplerledger Composer files from the Docker Engine. This will also remove all business networks that you have deployed to the envrionment and their databases. You run this only if you want to install Hyplerledger Composer development environment.
⇒ Versions of Hyplerledger Composer Environment
⇠Explorer Hyplerledger Composer Environment
2020-07-22, 1008🔥, 0💬
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