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Copying an Array in PHP
Can You Copy an Array in PHP?
You can create a new array by copying an existing array using the assignment statement. Note that the new array is not a reference to the old array. If you want a reference variable pointing to the old array, you can use the reference operator "&". Here is a PHP script on how to copy an array:
<?php $oldArray = array("Zero"=>"PHP", "One"=>"Perl", "Two"=>"Java"); $newArray = $oldArray; $refArray = &$oldArray; $newArray["One"] = "Python"; $refArray["Two"] = "C#"; print("\$newArray[\"One\"] = ".$newArray["One"]."\n"); print("\$oldArray[\"One\"] = ".$oldArray["One"]."\n"); print("\$refArray[\"Two\"] = ".$refArray["Two"]."\n"); print("\$oldArray[\"Two\"] = ".$oldArray["Two"]."\n"); ?>
This script will print:
$newArray["One"] = Python $oldArray["One"] = Perl $refArray["Two"] = C# $oldArray["Two"] = C#
⇒ Looping through an Array in PHP
⇐ Adding Values to an Array without Keys in PHP
2017-02-03, 2307🔥, 0💬
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