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What Is Adobe Digital Editions
What Is Adobe Digital Editions? Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) is a free EPUB book reader provided by Adobe. Main features of Adobe Digital Editions: Support of EPUB 3.0 - The support for EPUB 3 standard allows you a richer reading experience, including: rendering of audio and video content; support f...
2018-07-13, 1218🔥, 0💬

Two HTML Elements Overlapping Each Other
Can Two HTML Elements Partially Overlap Each Other? No, two elements can not partially overlap each other. One element must be completely enclosed inside the other element. See the following two examples: &lt;!-- Valid: "em" is enclosed inside "strong" --&gt; &lt;p&gt;There was once ...
2024-02-28, 1217🔥, 0💬

White Space Characters in HTML
What Is a White Space Character? A white space character is a character that leaves nothing on your screen. There are 4 known white space characters: " " - The space character. "\t" - The tab character. "\n" - The new line character. "\r" - The carriage return character. White space characters are g...
2024-02-18, 1217🔥, 0💬

FabricCAServices Node.js Class
What is the FabricCAServices Node.js Class? FabricCAServices is a class provided in Node.js SDK 'fabric-ca-client' module. FabricCAServices can be used by client applications to communicate with the Fabric CA server. Key properties and methods provided in FabricCAServices class are: new FabricCAServ...
2019-11-08, 1217🔥, 0💬

Deploy Peer with Default Configuration
How to Deploy the Peer Docker Image with the Default Configuration? You can follow this tutorial to deploy the Peer Docker Image with the Default Configuration. 1. Create a new Docker Compose YAML file, docker-compose-peer.yaml: $ cd fabric-peer $ vi docker-compose-peer.yaml # Copyright (c) FYIcente...
2019-05-10, 1217🔥, 0💬

Parameter List in Function Definition Statements
How to specify parameters in the "def" statement to define a new function in Python? When defining a function, you can specify the parameter list as a comma separated list of variables with or without default values in the following syntax: def function_name(variable,variabl e,...,variable=default_va...
2022-10-26, 1216🔥, 0💬

'bool' Values are Objects
Are "bool" values objects in Python? Yes, "bool" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "bool" is defined as a sub class of the "int" object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: bool.__doc__ - Property holding a...
2023-07-01, 1215🔥, 0💬

Docker Client (or CLI)
Where to find tutorials on Docker Client (or CLI)? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team as Introduction to Docker Client (or CLI). What Is Docker Client (or CLI) "docker" Commands vs. Management Commands "docker help" Commands   ⇒ What ...
2019-04-12, 1215🔥, 0💬

HTML 'map' Tag/Element
What Is a "map" Tag/Element? A "map" element is special inline element that you to define map entries to be used by image maps. Here are some basic rules on "map" elements: "map" elements are inline elements. "map" elements can not have text contents. "map" elements should have "area" elements as su...
2017-03-22, 1215🔥, 0💬

Who Developed XHTML 1.0?
Who Developed XHTML? XHTML was developed by W3C HTML Working Group with Steven Pemberton as the group chair.   ⇒ Number of Tags Defined in XHTML 1.0? ⇐ What Is XHTML 1.0? ⇑ Introduction of XHTML 1.0 ⇑⇑ HTML Tutorials
2023-11-06, 1214🔥, 0💬

Authentication Response Received from Azure AD v2
How to process the authentication response received from Azure AD v2.0 service after sending a sign-on authentication request? After Azure AD v2.0 service receives a sign-on authentication request from the end user's Web browser, it will process the request and redirect the Web browser to the "redir...
2019-05-03, 1214🔥, 0💬

Register Azure AD Application in Azure AD B2C
How to register my application as an Azure AD application in my Azure AD B2C account? If you want to register an application as an Azure AD application in your Azure AD B2C account, your application should be: Able to allow users who are members and their identities are managed locally in the Azure ...
2019-03-20, 1214🔥, 0💬

XHTML Document Example
What Does an XHTML Document Look Like? An XHTML document is a normal text file with predefined tags mixed with the text contents of the document. Tags are enclosed in pairs of angle brackets: "&lt;" and "&gt;". Below is how a simple XHTML document looks like if you open it in a text editor: ...
2024-01-31, 1213🔥, 0💬

Classes Are Objects Too
Are classes objects in Python? Yes, all classes are objects of "type" type in Python? You can verify this with the following Python code: &gt;&gt;&gt; class x: ... pass ... &gt;&gt;&gt; type(x) &lt;class 'type'&gt; In other words, the "class x" statement block perform...
2018-05-08, 1213🔥, 0💬

'import' Module Package Loading Statement
How to use "import" statement to load Python module packages? If you created a Python module package directory called "firstPackage" as described in the previous tutorial, you can load it into your Python execution session using the "import" statement: 1. Make sure the module package directory is a ...
2022-08-26, 1212🔥, 0💬

'int' Values are Objects
Are "int" values objects in Python? Yes, "int" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "int" is defined as an object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: int.__doc__ - Property holding a short description of "int...
2023-07-01, 1211🔥, 0💬

'str' Values are Objects
Are "str" values objects in Python? Yes, "str" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "str" is defined as an object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: str.__doc__ - Property holding a short description of "str...
2022-12-03, 1211🔥, 0💬

HTML 'head' Element Structure
How To Write a "head" Element Properly? The head element can not be empty. It must contain the title element, defined by the "title" tag. The head element may contain a number of other miscellaneous elements, like base, script, style, meta, link, and object elements. Here is good head element: &...
2024-01-19, 1210🔥, 0💬

Azure AD Application Integration in Azure AD B2C
How to integrate my application with to Azure AD service? I have registered it as an Azure AD application. If you have registered your application as an Azure AD application, you can integrate your application with Azure AD service using OpenID Connect protocol with the following information: 1. "En...
2019-03-20, 1208🔥, 0💬

Attributes Required by HTML Elements
What Is a Required Attribute in an HTML element? A required attribute is an attribute required by the HTML element. When you write an HTML element, you must include all attributes required by this element in the opening tag. Optional attributes can be omitted in the opening tag. Here are some exampl...
2023-09-26, 1206🔥, 1💬

Relation between HTML and DTD
What Is the relation between HTML and DTD? DTD (Document Type Definition) is a language based on XML to you to define a specific type of XML documents. Since the XHTML serialization of an HTML document is a specific type of XML documents, you can use DTD to define the structure of XHTML. In fact, XH...
2024-02-09, 1205🔥, 0💬

Mixing Images with Text in a Paragraph in HTML
Can I Mix Images with Text in a Paragraph? Yes. "img" elements are in-line elements. You can use "img" elements to mix images with text in any paragraph defined by a "p" element'. Below is a good tutorial example of image mixed with text: &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt; &lt;!DOCTYPE html PU...
2023-08-09, 1205🔥, 0💬

"docker container exec --tty --interactive ... /bin/sh"
How to run a Shell session interactively on a Running Container using the "docker container exec -tty --interactive ... /bin/sh" command? If the running container is based on a Linux system, we can definitely run a Shell session interactively on a Running Container using the "docker container exec -...
2021-10-02, 1204🔥, 0💬

Initiate Azure AD v1 Authentication Request
How to initiate Azure AD v1.0 Sign-On Authentication Request? The Azure AD Sign-On v1.0 Authentication Request must be initiated from the end user's Web browser, because the Azure AD service needs to communicate with the Web browser to make sure that the end user is signed on to an AD (Active Direct...
2022-05-05, 1203🔥, 0💬

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