1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>   ∑:128  Sort:Rank

requests.models.Response Objects
What properties and functions are supported on requests.models.Response objects? "requests" module supports the following properties and functions on requests.models.Response objects: >>> r = requests.get() >>> r.status_code >>> r.header...
2024-04-02, ≈41🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-04-02 Javier Rojas: very good!

💬 2022-11-21 no: no

Sending FTP Request with urllib.request.urlopen
How to send an FTP request with the urllib.request.urlopen() function? If an FTP server supports anonymous access, you can send an FTP request to retrieve a directory list, or download a file using the urllib.request.urlopen() function: Here is a Python example on how to get a directory list from an...
2023-10-06, ∼5606🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-10-06 Uriel Adonai Jiménez Leal: Thanks!

'dict' Values are Objects
Are "dict" values objects in Python? Yes, "dict" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "dict" is defined as an object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: dict.__doc__ - Property holding a short description of ...
2023-07-01, ∼1491🔥, 0💬

'bool' Values are Objects
Are "bool" values objects in Python? Yes, "bool" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "bool" is defined as a sub class of the "int" object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: bool.__doc__ - Property holding a...
2023-07-01, ∼1423🔥, 0💬

'int' Values are Objects
Are "int" values objects in Python? Yes, "int" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "int" is defined as an object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: int.__doc__ - Property holding a short description of "int...
2023-07-01, ∼1421🔥, 0💬

Understanding Data Values as Objects
Where to find tutorials on Understanding Data Values as Objects? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Understanding Data Values as Objects: 'int' Values are Objects 'bool' Values are Objects 'float' Values are Objects 'str' Values ar...
2023-07-01, ∼1363🔥, 0💬

'dict' Literals and Conversions
How to specify "dict" values in Python code? "dict" values can be specified using "dict" literals or the dict() conversion function as shown in this tutorial: 1. "dict" literals in {n1:v1, n2:v2, ...} format as shown below: >>> {"Age":25, "Name":"Joe"} {'Age': 25, 'Name': 'Joe'}...
2023-07-01, ∼1306🔥, 0💬

Multi-line Statements in Python Code
How to enter a single statement in multiple lines in Python Code? By default, Python uses the end of line to end a statement. So normally, you enter a statement in a single line. But if you have a very long statement, you can enter a single statement in multiple lines in two ways: 1. Explicit line b...
2023-06-12, ∼1662🔥, 0💬

Expressions, Variables and Assignment Statements
Where to find tutorials on Python Expressions, Variables and Assignment Statements? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Python Expressions, Variables and Assignment Statements: What Is Expression Evaluation of Expressions What Is Va...
2023-06-12, ∼1593🔥, 0💬

'if ... elif ... else' Conditional Statement Blocks
How to enter "if ... elif ... else" statement blocks in Python code? "if ... elif ... else" statement blocks allow you to execute statement blocks conditionally. When "if ... elif ... else" statement blocks are interpreted, only the first statement block that is associated to a condition returning T...
2023-06-12, ∼1591🔥, 0💬

Comments in Python Code
How to enter comments in Python Code? There is only one way to enter comments in Python code. That is to enter them at the end of any code line preceded by the hash character "#". For example: # this is the first comment x = 1 # and this is the second comment # and now a third!   ⇒ 'if ... elif ... ...
2023-06-12, ∼1480🔥, 0💬

Basic Structure of Python Code
What is Basic Structure of Python Code? The basic structure of Python code can be described below: A Python code is a sequence of statements and statement blocks. Each statement or statement block in a Python code is executed sequentially one by one. For example, look at the following Python code wi...
2023-06-12, ∼1346🔥, 0💬

'for ... in ... else' Repeating Statement Blocks
How to enter "for ... in ... else" statements block in Python code? "for ... in ... else" statement blocks allow you to execute the main statement block repeatedly. When "for ... in ... else" statement blocks are interpreted, the "for" statement block will be executed repeatedly for each item in the...
2023-05-09, ∼1451🔥, 0💬

Function Calling Expressions
How to call a function in an expression in Python? To call a function and execute its statement block in an expression, you can enter the function name followed by a list of values to be assigned to parameters defined in the function. For example, the profile("Joe",25) expression calls the "profile(...
2023-03-22, ∼1815🔥, 2💬

Function Calling Expressions
How to call a function in an expression in Python? To call a function and execute its statement block in an expression, you can enter the function name followed by a list of values to be assigned to parameters defined in the function. For example, the profile("Joe",25) expression calls the "profile(...
2023-03-22, ∼1815🔥, 2💬

Python Built-in Primitive Data Types
What Are Python Built-in Primitive Data Types? Python Built-in Primitive Data Types are data types provided by the Python interpreter to represent individual data values. Here is a list of Python Built-in Primitive Data Types: "NoneType" - A special data type represents a single value of nothing, wh...
2023-01-06, ∼2675🔥, 0💬

help() - Getting Help in Python Interactive Mode
How to get help with the help() function in Python interactive mode? If you help in Python interactive mode, you can run the help() function. It will bring you to the Python help mode. Here is a simple Python interactive session that shows how to use the Python help() function: C:\fyicenter> ...
2023-01-06, ∼1974🔥, 0💬

Start Python in Interactive Mode
How to Start Python in Interactive Mode on my Windows computer? You can start Python in interactive mode on your Windows computer in several ways: 1. "python" in command window - In a command window, enter the "python" command. If the python installation folder is in the PATH environment variable, t...
2023-01-06, ∼1857🔥, 0💬

Using Python Built-in Data Types
Where to find tutorials on Python Built-in Data Types? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Python Built-in Data Types: Python Built-in Primitive Data Types 'int' Literals and Conversions 'float' Literals and Conversions Python Built...
2023-01-06, ∼1490🔥, 0💬

'int' Literals and Conversions
How to specify "int" values in Python code? "int" values can be specified using "int" literals or the int() conversion function as shown in this tutorial: 1. "int" literals in decimal digits as shown below: >>> 1234 1234 >>> -1234 -1234 >>&...
2023-01-06, ∼1437🔥, 0💬

'bytes' Values are Objects
Are "bytes" values objects in Python? Yes, "bytes" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "bytes" is defined as an object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: bytes.__doc__ - Property holding a short description...
2022-12-03, ∼1522🔥, 0💬

'float' Values are Objects
Are "float" values objects in Python? Yes, "float" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "float" is defined as an object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: float.__doc__ - Property holding a short description...
2022-12-03, ∼1454🔥, 0💬

'list' Values are Objects
Are "list" values objects in Python? Yes, "list" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "list" is defined as an object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: list.__doc__ - Property holding a short description of ...
2022-12-03, ∼1453🔥, 0💬

'str' Values are Objects
Are "str" values objects in Python? Yes, "str" values are objects in Python. In fact, all data values in Python are objects. In Python, "str" is defined as an object class with the following interesting properties, constructors, and methods: str.__doc__ - Property holding a short description of "str...
2022-12-03, ∼1401🔥, 0💬

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