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EPUB 2.0 Metadata - dc:publisher and dc:rights Elements
What is EPUB 2.0 Metadata "dc:publisher" and "dc:rights" elements?
EPUB 2.0 Metadata "dc:publisher" and "dc:rights" are optional metadata elements to specify the publisher and the rights statement of the EPUB 2.0 book.
For example, the following two elements specify that this EPUB book was published by and dedicated to the public domain under Creative Commons CC0:
<dc:publisher></dc:publisher> <dc:rights>CC0 Public Domain</dc:rights>
If you want to see an example of "dc:publisher" and "dc:rights elements, you can download this EPUB 2.0 book, Row-Your-Boat-2.0.epub. Unzip it and open package.opf. You see "dc:publisher" and "dc:rights elements.
⇒ EPUB 2.0 Metadata - dc:subject Element
⇐ EPUB 2.0 Metadata - dc:creator and dc:contributor Elements
2019-01-26, 4040🔥, 0💬
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