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Google OpenID Connect Access Token Request Test Page
How to build an Google OpenID Connect Access Token Request Test page?
The Access Token Request is the second call to the Google OpenID Connect service in the authentication code flow to retrieve the id_token with the authentication code received from the first call.
You can build a simple Web form page to test different behavior of the Access Token Request.
Here is an example, Google-OpenID-Access-Token-Request-Test.html:
<html><body><h3>Google OpenID Connect Test Request Example</h3> <form method="POST" action=""> code: <input size="80" name="code" value=""><br/> client_id: <input size="80" name="client_id" value=""><br/> redirect_uri: <input size="80" name="redirect_uri" value="http://localhost/home_dump.php"><br/> client_secret: <input name="client_secret" value="4/P7q7W91a-oMsCeLvIaQm6bTrgtp7"><br/> grant_type: <input name="grant_type" value="authorization_code"><br/> <br/> <input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"><br/> </form> </body></html>
You can enter your own "client_id", "code", "redirect_uri" and other parameters to try it. Remember that "code" value must obtained by calling the authentication response.
⇒ Build Authorization Code Flow with Google OpenID Connect
⇐ Access Token Response Received from Google OpenID Connect
2022-02-04, 1368🔥, 0💬
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