Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Understanding and Using Sessions in PHP
Where to find tutorials on how to use Sessions in PHP?
A collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions on how to use Sessions in PHP. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on starting and closing sessions, saving and retrieving values in sessions, deciding how session IDs to be transferred, deciding where to store session files, deciding when to expire session values, etc. Topics included in this collection are:
Turning on the Session Support in PHP
Saving Values in the Session in PHP
Retrieving Values Stored in Session in PHP
Retrieving Session ID from the Current Session in PHP
Options to Transfer Session IDs in PHP
How Sessoion IDs Are Transferred in PHP
Using Cookies to Transfer Session IDs in PHP
Security of Storing Session ID as a Cookie in PHP
Where Are Session Values Stored in PHP
Timeout Period on Session Values in PHP
Testing the Session Garbage Collection Process in PHP
Setting session.gc_maxlifetime Properly in PHP
Setting session.gc_divisor Properly in PHP
Removing Values Saved in the Session in PHP
Determining If a Session Is New in PHP
2016-10-29, 1693🔥, 0💬
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