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Converting Leading Characters to Upper Case in PHP
How To Convert Leading Characters to Upper Case?
If you are processing an article, you may want to capitalize the first character of a sentence by using the ucfirst() function. You may also want to capitalize the first character of every words for the article title by using the ucwords() function. Here is a PHP script on how to use ucfirst() and ucwords():
<?php $string = "php string functions are easy to use."; $sentence = ucfirst($string); $title = ucwords($string); print("$sentence\n"); print("$title\n"); print("\n"); ?>
This script will print:
Php string functions are easy to use. Php String Functions Are Easy To Use.
⇒ Comparing Two Strings with strcmp() in PHP
⇐ Converting Strings to Upper/Lower Case in PHP
2016-10-13, 1707🔥, 0💬
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