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EPUB 2.0 Sample - "The Problems of Philosophy"
Where can I download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Problems of Philosophy" by Lewis Theme? You can following this tutorial to download the EPUB 2.0 sample book "The Problems of Philosophy" by Lewis Theme. 1. Go to pressbooks.com sample books page . 2. Click "EPUB" under "The Problems of Philosophy, ...
2024-08-05, ∼3082🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-08-05 Me: Graci

Testing Area
What is test testing area for? The testing area is provided to allow visitors to post testing comments.
2023-12-08, ≈524🔥, 20💬

💬 2024-01-23 vps-f18eb363.vps.ovh.net: Otwórz menu Otwórz menu logowania

💬 2024-01-16 csdcsda: casdcasd

💬 2024-01-04 kk: h;lo

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dev.FYIcenter.com Links
Tools, FAQ, Tutorials: JSON Validator JSON-XML Converter XML-JSON Converter JSON FAQ/Tutorials Python FAQ/Tutorials PHP FAQ/Tutorials OpenID FAQ/Tutorials EPUB FAQ/Tutorials HTML FAQ/Tutorials CSS FAQ/Tutorials RSS FAQ/Tutorials Visual Studio Tutorials Azure API Tutorials Developer Jobs Interview Qu...
2023-12-07, ∼3219🔥, 0💬

Validate Azure AD v2 id_token Signature
How to validate the id_token signature received from Azure AD v2.0 authentication response? You can use some existing libraries to perform the Azure AD "id_token" signature validation using libraries of different programming languages as suggested in "Azure Active Directory access tokens" article" ....
2023-09-06, ∼3647🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-09-06 rjurado01: You safe my life.

EPUB 3.0 Sample - "Year Five Maths"
Where can I download the EPUB 3.0 sample book "Year Five Maths" by Infogrid Pacific? You can following this tutorial to download the EPUB 3.0 sample book "Year Five Maths" by Infogrid Pacific. 1. Go to infogridpacific.com Free ePub3 Books page . 2. Click "Year Five Maths: Operations on Numbers (852K...
2023-08-03, ∼3198🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-08-03 jessi: need sample file to study.

What Is EPUB 2.0 Specification
What Is EPUB 2.0 Specification? EPUB 2.0.1 Specification is the 2.0.1 version of EPUB specification. EPUB 2.0.1 Specification was a maintenance release of EPUB 2. Its development was chartered in 2009, and the final standard was approved by the IDPF Membership as a Recommended Specification in May, ...
2023-05-09, ∼2303🔥, 0💬

Minimum Requirement of EPUB 2.0.1 File
What Is the minimum requirement of an EPUB 2.0.1 file? If you want to build an EPUB file that meets the minimum requirements of EPUB 2.0.1 specification, you need to prepare the following: 1. A text file called "mimetype" with one line listed below. It specifies the mimetype of an EPUB 2.0.1 book fi...
2023-05-09, ∼1968🔥, 0💬

Hello-2.0.epub - "container.xml" File
How to create the "container.xml" file of an EPUB 2.0.1 book? The "container.xml" file of an EPUB 2.0.1 book is a required file in the book ZIP container. It specifies a package file of any name, for example: package.opf. Here is the requirement on the "container.xml" file: 1. The "container.xml" fi...
2023-05-09, ∼1943🔥, 0💬

Hello-2.0.epub - "mimtype" File
How to create the "mimetype" file of an EPUB 2.0.1 book? The "mimetype" file of an EPUB 2.0.1 book is a required file in the book ZIP container. It specifies the mimetype of an EPUB 2.0.1 book file. Here is the requirement on the "mimetype" file: 1. The "mimetype" file must be named as "mimetype". 2...
2023-05-09, ∼1878🔥, 0💬

Hello-2.0.epub - Package File: package.opf
How to create a package file like package.opf for an EPUB 2.0.1 book? At least one package file, like package.opf, is required for an EPUB 2.0.1 book in the book ZIP container. It defines required meta data and specifies 2 required content files. Here is the requirement on a package file: 1. A packa...
2023-03-28, ∼1920🔥, 0💬

ERROR(NCX-001) - NCX identifier Not Match
How to fix the "ERROR(NCX-001) - NCX identifier ... does not match OPF identifier ..." error? When you validate a EPUB 2.0 package with EpubCheck, you may see the following error: C:\fyicenter> java -jar epubcheck.jar Error-NCX-ID-Not-Match-2.0.epu bValidating using EPUB version 2.0.1 rules. ...
2022-11-04, ∼1123🔥, 0💬

ERROR(PKG-005) - Mimetype Has Extra Field
How to fix the "ERROR(PKG-005) - The mimetype file has an extra field of length 28 ..." error? When you validate a EPUB 2.0 package with EpubCheck, you may see the following error: C:\fyicenter> java -jar epubcheck.jar Error-Mimetype-Not-First-2.0.e pubValidating using EPUB version 2.0.1 rule...
2022-11-04, ∼1097🔥, 0💬

ERROR(OPF-030) - unique-identifier Not Found
How to fix the "ERROR(OPF-030) - The unique-identifier ... was not found" error? When you validate a EPUB 2.0 package with EpubCheck, you may see the following error: C:\fyicenter> java -jar epubcheck.jar Error-Unique-ID-Not-Found-2.0. epubValidating using EPUB version 2.0.1 rules. ERROR(OPF-...
2022-11-04, ∼913🔥, 0💬

Introduction of EPUB 3.2 Specification
Where to find tutorials on introduction of EPUB 3.2 Specification? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on introduction of EPUB 3.2 Specification. What Is EPUB 3.2 Specification Changes on EPUB Packages 3.2 Changes on EPUB Content Docum...
2022-11-04, ∼805🔥, 0💬

Errors in GeographyofBliss_oneChapter.epub
What are validation errors in GeographyofBliss_oneChapter.ep ub?If you have downloaded GeographyofBliss_oneChapter.ep ubfrom the adobe.com sample eBooks page , you may see validation errors with EpubCheck: C:\fyicenter> java -jar epubcheck.jar GeographyofBliss_oneChapter.ep ubValidating using...
2022-11-04, ∼654🔥, 0💬

EPUB Sample Files
Where to find EPUB Sample Files? Here is a list of EPUB sample files collected by FYIcenter.com team. You can download them and read them on your EPUB readers. EPUB 3.0 Sample - "Year Five Maths" EPUB 3.0 Sample - "The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon" EPUB 2.0 Sample - "The Metamorphosis" EPUB 2.0 Sa...
2022-07-26, ∼3440🔥, 0💬

What Is OPF
What is OPF? OPF (Open Packaging Format) is a standard that is a part of the EPUB eBook specification. The OPF files store information for an associated eBook including the title of the eBook, the eBook language, creator, reading order and book ID. The OPF file is included in the EPUB archive to spe...
2022-07-26, ∼1868🔥, 0💬

What Is EPUB
What Is EPUB? EPUB is an e-book file format with the extension .epub that can be downloaded and read on devices like smartphones, tablets, computers, or e-readers. It is a technical standard published by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). The term is short for electronic publication ...
2022-07-26, ∼1709🔥, 0💬

What Is EPUB File Structure
What Is the EPUB file structure? An EPUB file is actually a ZIP archive file that contains the following types of files in sub-folders: HTML, image and audio files for book contents. CSS files for presentation. OPF files for book structure and navigations. Other resource and meta files. Here is a li...
2022-07-26, ∼1705🔥, 0💬

Sign Out from Kindle for PC
How to sign out from Kindle for PC? Sign out from Kindle for PC is called "Deregister Kindle for PC". Deregister the Kindle for PC app from your Amazon account if it is registered to the wrong account or if you no longer want to use it to purchase Kindle books. To deregister the Kindle for PC app, y...
2022-07-01, ∼2672🔥, 0💬

What Is Kindle for PC
What Is Kindle for PC? Kindle for PC is a free EPUB book reader provided by Amazon. Some nice features of Kindle for PC include Text alignment and line spacing - Click the image of font icon button to set a text alignment for your books and determine their line spacing. For more information, see Kin...
2022-07-01, ∼1468🔥, 0💬

Kindle for PC
Where to find tutorials on using Kindle for PC? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on using Kindle for PC. What Is Kindle for PC Download and Install Kindle for PC Run and Register Kindle for PC Sign Out from Kindle for PC Read MOBI B...
2022-07-01, ∼1407🔥, 0💬

Download and Install Kindle for PC
How to Download and Install Kindle for PC? You can follow this tutorial to download and install Kindle for PC on your Windows computer. 1. Go to Kindle download site . 2. Click "Download for PC" button. You see download started. 3. Save the download file to \fyicenter\KindleForPC-install er-1.21.4801...
2022-07-01, ∼1364🔥, 0💬

Run and Register Kindle for PC
How to Run and Register Kindle for PC? You can follow this tutorial to run and register Kindle for PC on your Windows computer. 1. Search and run "Kindle for PC" on your computer. You see the Amazon sign screen. This is needed to register your Kindle for PC with an Amazon account. 2. Sign in with yo...
2022-07-01, ∼1304🔥, 0💬

1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>   ∑:219  Sort:Rank