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Azure AD v2 id_token Decoded Example
Where to find an Azure AD v2.0 id_token decoded example?
Here is an example of an "id_token" value returned from Azure AD v2.0 after Base64URL decoded:
Header = { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "RS256", "kid": "1LTMzakihiRla_8z2BEJVXeWMqo" } Body = { "ver": "2.0", "iss": "", "sub": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIkzqFVrSaSaFHy782bbtaQ", "aud": "6cb04018-a3f5-46a7-b995-940c78f5aef3", "exp": 1536361411, "iat": 1536274711, "nbf": 1536274711, "name": "Abe Lincoln", "preferred_username": "", "oid": "00000000-0000-0000-66f3-3332eca7ea81", "tid": "3338040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad", "nonce": "123523", "aio": "Df2UVXL1ix!lMCWMSOJBcFatzcGfvFGhjKv8q5g0x732dR5MB5Bis vGQO7YWByjd8iQDLq!eGbIDakyp5mnOrcdqHeYSnltepQmRp6AIZ8jY" } Signature = ...
Detail description of each field can be found in Microsoft article: "ID tokens".
2019-04-03, 1688🔥, 0💬
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