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Warning on Incompatible "npm" Version
Why I am getting the Incompatible "npm" Version warning with installating Hyplerledger Composer CLI on Ubuntu?
You may get the Incompatible "npm" Version warning, if you
install Hyplerledger Composer CLI with the "@0.20" version option:
$ sudo npm install -g composer-cli@0.20 WARN engine composer-cli@0.20.8: wanted: {"node":">=8","npm":">=5"} (current: {"node":"8.10.0","npm":"3.5.2"}) ...
This is because Hyperledger 0.20.8 requires npm 5.0 or higher. But only npm 3.5.2 is installed on the system.
⇒ Issue to Install "npm 5.x" on Ubuntu 18
⇠Start/Stop Hyperledger Fabric Dev Environment
2021-04-04, 1019🔥, 0💬
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