Start Hyperledger Composer Playground Server


How to start and stop Hyperledger Composer Playground Server?



The command that represents the Hyperledger Composer Playground Server is "composer-playground". You can start the server as shown below:

$ composer-playground
... INFO :LoadModule    :loadModule()   Loading composer-wallet-filesystem from 
   /composer-wallet-filesystem {}$
... INFO :PlaygroundAPI :createServer() Playground API started on port 8080 {}$

Note that the above command starts the server as a foreground job, which blocks your command window. You can terminate the server by pressing "Ctrl-C".


To voiding blocking the command window, you can start the server as a background job:

$ composer-playground &
[1] 6527


To terminate the server running in the background as a background job:

$ jobs
[1]+  Running                 composer-playground &

$ kill %1

$ jobs


⇒ Connect to Local Playground Server

⇐ What is Hyperledger Composer Playground Server

⇑ Hyperledger Composer Playground Server

⇑⇑ Hyperledger Composer Tutorials

2022-10-13, 1391🔥, 1💬