Business Network Source Code Architecture


What Is Business Network Source Code Architecture?



Business Network Source Code Architecture can be summarized in the following diagram:
Business Network Source Code Architecture

Hyperledger Composer offers tools to help you developing hyperledger application, called business network, with following source code files:

  • Model Files (*.cto) - Source code files to define business object types used in the business network: Participants, Assets, Transactions and Events.
  • Script Files (*.js) - Source code files to define business logics on how each transaction is processed.
  • Access Control File (*.acl) - Source code file to define access control rules of which participant can access which assets and execute which transactions.
  • Query File (*.qry) - Source code file to define queries to retrieve business objects from Business Network.

Hyperledger Composer also offers tools to compile business network source code and generate the Business Network Archive (BNA) file.

At the end you can deploy the BNA file to a Hyperledger Fabric server. The BNA file can also be deployed a Hyperledger Fabric simulator, called Playground, running Web browsers.


⇒ Hyperledger Composer Model File

⇐ Business Network Development Concepts

⇑ Business Network Development Concepts

⇑⇑ Hyperledger Composer Tutorials

2022-02-19, 875🔥, 0💬