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Atom Better than RSS
Should I use Atom or RSS? Which one is better?
At a higher level, Atom and RSS are doing the job, offering a format for Websites to publish their news feeds.
But if you take a closer look, Atom does a better job than RSS in several areas. For example:
Atom has better date format - Atom uses the ISO 8601 date and time format. And RSS uses the date and time format specified in RFC 822, which is for English language only.
Atom supports internationalization - Atom allows the entire feed to be internationalized including links. And RSS only supports links in ASCII characters.
Atom namespace exportable - Atom namespace can be exported to other XML documents. And RSS has no namespace concept.
Atom supports HTML contents - Atom allows you to specify content in Text, HTML or XHTML format. And RSS only supports Text format.
So you should be using Atom instead of RSS, if possible.
⇒ Atom Specification - RFC 4287
2017-09-28, 1798🔥, 0💬
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