Atom Better than RSS


Should I use Atom or RSS? Which one is better?



At a higher level, Atom and RSS are doing the job, offering a format for Websites to publish their news feeds.

But if you take a closer look, Atom does a better job than RSS in several areas. For example:

Atom has better date format - Atom uses the ISO 8601 date and time format. And RSS uses the date and time format specified in RFC 822, which is for English language only.

Atom supports internationalization - Atom allows the entire feed to be internationalized including links. And RSS only supports links in ASCII characters.

Atom namespace exportable - Atom namespace can be exported to other XML documents. And RSS has no namespace concept.

Atom supports HTML contents - Atom allows you to specify content in Text, HTML or XHTML format. And RSS only supports Text format.

So you should be using Atom instead of RSS, if possible.


Atom Specification - RFC 4287

Differences between RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0

Introduction of Atom

⇑⇑ RSS FAQ and Tutorials

2017-09-28, 1798🔥, 0💬