RSS Document Structure


What Is the RSS Document Structure?



An RSS 2.0 Document is an XML document with the following structure:

<rss version="2.0">

As you can see, an RSS XML document can be described as:

  • An RSS XML document has root element called "rss".
  • The "rss" root element contains a single "channel" element describing the producer of this RSS feed.
  • The "channel" element requires 3 sub elements: "title", "link", and "description".
  • The "channel" element may have other optional sub elements like: "language", "copyright", etc.
  • The "channel" element may have any number of "item" sub elements, providing a list of items of this RSS feed.
  • The "item" element may have "title", "link" and "description" as optional sub elements. But at least "title" or "description" must be provided.
  • The "item" element may have other optional sub elements like: "author", "category", etc.


RSS "channel" Element

RSS specifications

RSS specifications

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2017-11-11, 1589🔥, 0💬