The RSS "channel" element presents a group of RSS feed items generated by the same producer.
The RSS "channel" element contains the following sub elements.
- title - REQUIRED. The name of your Website, if you are producing this RSS feed.
For example: <title>FYI Center for Software Developers</title>.
- link - REQUIRED. The URL to your Website.
For example: <link>http://dev.fyicenter.com/</link>.
- description - REQUIRED. A short description of your Website.
For example: <description>A large collection of FAQs, tutorials, tips and code examples for application and Web developers</description>.
- language - OPTIONAL. A language code from the ISO 639 standard,
specifying the language used in this RSS feed.
For example: <language>en</language>.
- copyright - OPTIONAL. Copyright notice for this RSS feed.
For example: <copyright>Copyright (c) 2017 FYIcenter.com</copyright>.
- managingEditor - OPTIONAL. Email address of the person responsible for editorial this RSS feed.
For example: <managingEditor>jane@fyicenter.com</managingEditor>.
- webMaster - OPTIONAL. Email address of the person responsible for maintaining your Website.
For example: <webMaster>john@fyicenter.com</webMaster>.
- pubDate - OPTIONAL. The publication date of this RSS feed in the
RFC 822 standard format.
For example: <pubDate>Sun, 17 Sep 2017 17:30:51 +0200</pubDate>.
- lastBuildDate - OPTIONAL. The last time this channel description was changed.
For example: <lastBuildDate>Sun, 17 Jul 2017 17:30:51 +0200</lastBuildDate>.
- category - OPTIONAL. Specify one or more categories that this RSS feed belongs to.
For example: <category>Programming/Web</category>.
- generator - OPTIONAL. A string indicating the program used to generate this RSS feed.
For example: <generator>FYIcenter.com Site Builder</generator>.
- docs - OPTIONAL. A URL that points to the documentation for the format used in the RSS file.
For example: <docs>http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification</docs>.
- cloud - OPTIONAL. A Web service for clients to be registered for future RSS feeds.
For example: <cloud domain="rpc.sys.com" port="80" path="/RPC2" registerProcedure="pingMe"
- ttl - OPTIONAL. Time To Live in minutes indicating
how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source.
For example: <ttl>1200</ttl>
- image - OPTIONAL. Specifies a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that can be displayed with the channel.
See next tutorial for examples.
- rating - OPTIONAL. The PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection) rating for the channel.
For more information on PICS, see PICS Website.
- textInput - OPTIONAL. Specifies a text input box that can be used to send data back to the channel.
See next tutorial for examples.
- skipHours - OPTIONAL. A hint telling clients which hours they can skip retrieving updates of this RSS feed.
For example: <skipHours><hour>23</hour><hour>0</hour><hour>1</hour></skipHours>
- skipDays - OPTIONAL. A hint telling clients which days they can skip retrieving updates of this RSS feed.
For example: <skipDays><day>Saturday</day><day>Sunday</day></skipDays>
- item - OPTIONAL. Specifies news item of this RSS feed.
See next tutorial for examples.
⇒ RSS "channel/image" Element
⇐ RSS Document Structure
⇑ RSS specifications
⇑⇑ RSS FAQ and Tutorials