'choose ... when ...' Statements to Control Execution Flows


How to use 'choose ... when ..." policy statements to control execution flows?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want to control execution flows in Azure API management process, you can use the 'choose ... when ..." policy statement.

The "choose ... when ..." statement has the following syntax:

    <when condition="Boolean_expression">   
    <when condition="Boolean_expression">   

For example,

  <when condition="@(context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault&lt;bool>("isMobile"))">  
    <set-query-parameter name="mobile" exists-action="override">  
    <set-query-parameter name="mobile" exists-action="override">  


Policy to Modify Request and Response Body

Use Custom Variables in Policy Expressions

Using Azure API Policy

⇑⇑ Microsoft Azure API Management Tutorials

2018-01-19, 3013🔥, 0💬