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'set-variable' Statement to Create Custom Variables
How to use the "set-variable" Policy Statement to create custom variables for an Azure API service operation?
The "set-variable" policy statement allows you to create custom variables with given values to be used later in other policy statements.
The "set-variable" statement has the following syntax:
<set-variable name="variable_name" value="Expression | Text" />
If a "@(...)" expression is used, the variable have hold the objects returned from the expression in a number of C# types, like System.Boolean, System.Int32, System.Single, System.Double, System.String, System.DateTime, etc.
For example, the following inbound policy creates three variables: the first one with a text as its value; the second one with a "@(...)" expression returning a Boolean; the third one with a "@(...)" expression returning a String;
<inbound> <set-variable name="version" value="1.11"/> <set-variable name="isMobile" value="@(context.Request.Headers["User-Agent"].Contains("iPad"))"/> <set-variable name="method" value="@(context.Request.Method)"/> </inbound>
For more information on "set-variable" statement, see API Management policy expressions Website.
⇒ Use Custom Variables in Policy Expressions
2018-01-24, 10🔥, 0💬
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